Use the predefined completeness checks and quality gates of censhare dedicated solutions to create a quality gate sequence for your product, media and content assets.


Completeness checks are the base components of Quality gates. Quality gates can be combined into a Quality gate sequence.


The quality management of product data is essential in a PIM system. Quality gates help you to achieve the required level of data completeness. We recommend that you define Quality gates for the different domains of your PIM system.

A Quality gate contains one or more completeness checks. A completeness check verifies a single property, relation, or file of an asset. The output of a completeness check is a Boolean expression that can be true or false. If true, the asset passes the respective completeness check. If false, the asset fails the completion check.

The basic usage of a completeness check verifies whether one of the following exits:

  • an asset property (for example a product feature)

  • an asset relation (for example a main content relation)

  • an asset file (for example a file in an Image asset)

Additionally, the check can include any attribute of the target. For example, a completeness check for localized content can verify, whether the related content asset has a certain language attribute. The completeness check for the main picture can verify, whether the related image has a certain MIME type.

For these basic usages, completeness checks are defined in an XPath expression. For more complex completeness checks an XSL query and transformation can be added.

To add Quality gates to Product assets, you must assign the Quality gates to a Quality gate sequence. The Quality gate sequence applies the assigned Quality gates in the defined order. A Quality gate in the sequence can only be achieved if all predecessor Quality gates are achieved as well.

The censhare standard solution contains the preconfigured Product Quality gate sequence. This Quality gate sequence is prepared for Product assets. Assign your Quality gates to this Quality gate sequence to use them in your PIM system.

Predefined completeness checks

The censhare standard solution contains the following predefined Completeness checks on Products:

Completeness check


Check child task completion

Checks if the Tasks assigned to a Product are completed (only if a Task is assigned to a Product).

Check EAN (product)

Checks if a Product has an EAN.

Check retail price (product)

Checks if a Product has a retail price.

Check feature story child

Checks if a Product has an assigned Feature story.

Check text block child

Checks if a Product has an assigned Text block asset.

Check main content child

Checks if a Product has an assigned Main content asset.

Check main content child localized

Checks if a Product at least two assigned Main content assets and that the target assets have language attributes DE and EN.

Check main picture child

Checks if a Product has an assigned Main picture asset.

You can use any of the above Completeness checks as is. Some checks require customization. For example, customize the Check main content child localized for other languages:

The predefined standard check has the following XPath expression:

count(child_asset_rel[@key='user.main-content.']) ge 2 and (for $x in child_asset_rel[@key='user.main-content.'] return cs:get-asset($x/@child_asset)/@language) = ('de', 'en')

To check if three Main content assets with the languages English, French, and Italian exist, use the following XPath expression: 

count(child_asset_rel[@key='user.main-content.']) ge 3 and (for $x in child_asset_rel[@key='user.main-content.'] return cs:get-asset($x/@child_asset)/@language) = ('en', 'fr', 'it' )

Predefined quality gates

The censhare standard solution contains the following predefined Quality gates for Products:

Quality gate

Assigned Completeness checks



Check main content child

Use in domain Content. Adds completeness checks on Product content assets (texts, text blocks, feature stories, etc.) that are required for output channels (websites, social media, output tables, etc.).


Check main content child (localized)


Check EAN (product)

Use in domain Product. Adds completeness checks on Product features that are required for product classification and specification.

ClassifiedCheck retail price (product)


Check main picture child

Use in domain Media. Adds completeness checks on Product media assets (images, videos, 3D models) that are required for output channels (websites, social media, output tables, etc.).

Key steps

  1. Prepare completeness checks

  2. Configure quality gates

  3. Configure quality gate sequence

Prepare completeness checks

  1. To create a custom Completeness check, duplicate a predefined completeness check.

  2. Open the new Completeness check asset.

  3. Click and select Edit properties

  4. Enter localized names and descriptions.

  5. Seelct enabled.

  6. Enter a Resource key.

  7. To close the Edit dialog, click OK.

  8. Click to edit the Completeness check properties widget.

  9. In Asset filters area, in the Asset type filter field, enter the desired Asset type. If necessary, enter a MIME type filter in the field below. You can define multiple Asset type filters / MIME type filters in one completeness check.

    Note: MIME type filters are only allowed for asset types that have an asset file, for example images or videos.

  10. Optionally, enter an Asset filter (XPath). With an XPath expression, you can filter assets with certain properties, relations, or files.

  11. In the Check area, in the Expression (XPath) field, enter or edit the XPath expression that checks an asset property, asset relation, or asset file.

  12. In the Importance field, select whether the Completeness check is required or optional. This field is mandatory.

Configure quality gates

  1. Open a predefined quality gate and select the Overview tab.

  2. In the Completeness checks widget, click (plus), and in the dialog, select the Completeness checks that you prepared for this quality gate in the previous step.

  3. To close the dialog and save your changes, click OK.

  4. To remove a Completeness check (for example, the preconfigured Completeness check), move the cursor over the list item, click (minus) and click OK to confirm.

Configure quality gate sequence

  1. Open the Product Quality gate sequence asset. The asset has the resource key censhare:dedicated.quality-gate-sequence.product. This Quality gate sequence is preconfigured for Product assets.

  2. In the Overview tab, in the Quality gates widget, click (plus) and in the dialog, select the Quality gates that you configured in the previous step.

    Important: The order in which you assign the Quality gates also defines the sequence in which the Quality gate levels must be achieved.

  3. To close the dialog and save your changes, click OK.


On Product, Media and Text asset pages, the Quality gate sequence displays on the Overview tab, in the Status widget. Achieved Quality gates are marked green. The progression bar displays the achieved quality level.