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The Authentication microservice is using Keycloak for authentication. Keycloak is an open source solution for Identity and Access Management (IAM). Web client users for cenTaur and censhare Server with censhare WP are redirected to a Keycloak login page. Also, users with the censhare Client or the censhare Admin Client have to authenticate themselves via Keycloak when they want to access the censhare Server. Keycloak can integrate external authentication services such as LDAP. 

Keycloak setup for administrators           Keycloak setup for developers

Cloud Gateway

The Routing microservice, the so-called Cloud Gateway, is the entry point for the web browser. It routes the web browser requests to the right microservice in cenTaur respective censhare Server with censhare WP. If users are not yet authenticated, the Cloud Gateway forwards the users to the Authentication microservice.

GraphQL Gateway

The GraphQL Gateway microservice is the entry point for data requests in cenTaur. GraphQL schemas define, which data can be requested or manipulated. The GraphQL Gateway is a Node.js-based microservice that runs an Apollo GraphQL server.

Static Resource Server (SRS)

The Static Resource Server is the frontend delivery part of censhare Server with censhare WP (webpacked). The Static Resource Server delivers all static files for the censhare WP web frontend to the web browser.

censhare WP setup for administrators        censhare WP setup for developers

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