Learn how to deploy CI HUB for development and testing purposes, and quality assurance.

Download the package

  1. Open Jenkins, select the build you want to deploy, and click Artifactory build info :

  2. Select the desired RPM:

  3. Combine https://artifactory.censhare.com/artifactory and build the path:

    You must be logged in at Artifactory. Otherwise, the following error is thrown:

    •   errors:
      • status: 404,
      • message: "Resource not found"
  4. The result is an absolute path to the package. For example:


  5. Copy the package to the host:

    scp FILENAME.rpm root@cihub-dev-css01.censhare.com:

    Replace FILENAME with the package name from the previous step.
    For example: censhare-Server-2021.3.0-8centaur20210820.0.x86_64.rpm

  6. Connect to the host server of the test or dev system with SSH:

    ssh root@cihub-dev-css01.censhare.com
  7. Install the package:

    yum install FILENAME.rpm

    If the insstallation fails, see the Troubleshooting section below for help. 

  8. Connect to corpus on the host server:

    ssh corpus@cihub-dev-css01.censhare.com
  9. Start the censhare Server:

    censhare.rc restart

    Do not run this command from root!

  10. In the censhare Admin Client, open Configuration/Modules/CIHUB and double click CIHUB Integration to create a new instance:

    Do not add a second active CI HUB instance! If an active CIHUB integration instance is already exists, skip this step.
  11. In the dialog, make sure that Enabled is selected.
  12. Click OK to save the configuration and close the dialog.
  13. In the top menu bar of the censhare Admin Client, click Update Server Configuration.


The censhare Server with the CI HUB module is running on the host server. You access the CI HUB portal URL. 



[root@ip-172-21-10-19 ~]# yum install censhare-Server-2021.3.0-4centaur20210820.0.x86_64.rpm
Failed to set locale, defaulting to C
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Examining censhare-Server-2021.3.0-4centaur20210820.0.x86_64.rpm: censhare-Server-2021.3.0-4centaur20210820.0.x86_64
censhare-Server-2021.3.0-4centaur20210820.0.x86_64.rpm: does not update installed package.
Error: Nothing to do


The rpm version that you are trying to install is lexically lower than the installed version.


Try to run the following command:

yum downgrade FILENAME.rpm
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