How to activate the browser console

In case you are implementing any kind of customization in censhare Web and should encounter faulty behavior or unexpected results, the browser console is the first place to go and check for any JavaScript errors and logging. While most of the modern browser come with built-in Dev Tools, some of them, like Chrome and Firefox are more developer focused and offer more advanced JavaScript debuggers.

Here is how you can open the Dev Tools to console tab on:


  • From the browser menu:  choose "More tools" -> "Developer tools" and select the "Console" tab 

  • Right-click a page element and choose "Inspect" -> select the "Console" tab 

  • Keyboard Shortcuts:  MacOS (Command + Option + J), Windows (Control + Shift + J)


Hint: You might want to clear the console first (by using the 'ban-circle' button or shortcuts Control + L or Command + K) and reproduce the issue afterwards for better overview


  • From the browser menu:  enable the "Dev Tools" in the main menu -> "Preferences" -> "Advanced" -> "Show Develop menu in menu bar". The "Develop" option is now visible in the menu. Choose "Show Error Console".

  • Right-click a page element and choose "Inspect" -> select the "Console" tab 

  • Keyboard Shortcuts:  MacOS (Command + Option + I)



Hint: You might want to clear the contents of the console first (by using the 'garbage can' button) and reproduce the issue afterwards for better overview

Internet Explorer 11

  • From the browser menu:  choose "Tools" -> "F12 Developer Tools" (Click Alt+X if you don't see the Tools menu)

  • Right-click a page element and choose "Inspect" -> select the "Console" tab

  • Keyboard Shortcuts: F12


Hint: You might want to clear the contents of the console first (by using the 'X' button) and reproduce the issue afterwards for better overview

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