This article shows how to perform a censhare Server basic performance analysis (ca. 15-60 min.) in case of censhare Server performance issues for all logged in users up to the case that no new client login is possible.


Important hints

  • Should always be done at performance problems as a first step

  • Must be executed on the applicaton server the performance issue appears

  • A censhare-Server performance problem could also end in a censhare-Client login problem

  • Please always save and attach analysis data (marked as #analysis data within the text) before a server restart otherwise a further analysis of the root cause is not possible

Please perform the following basic checks before you move on with a deeper analysis

0 // Check for OutOfMemory

  • Login via SSH

  • Execute the following unix command(s) to see if the server got an OOM error

    ls -ltr /opt/corpus/*.hprof  grep OutOfMemory ~/work/logs/server-0.*.log

    Note: If a heap dump file with current timestamp exists and its file size no longer increases the jvm process got an OOM error and the creation (-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError) of the heap dump file is done. You need to restart the censhare Application Server (not hardware) to solve the incident. For further analysis purpose check if the server has enough JVM -Xms / -Xmx allocated. If yes, server-0.*.logs and heap dump (*hprof) file needs to be transferred to request a heap dump analysis.

1 // Check system load

  • Login via SSH

  • Execute the unix top command and watch it a few seconds. Execute the ./

    For more information, see this

    or top -H command and watch it a few seconds.

  • Take a few screenshots of the top command (#analysis data)Take a few screenshots of the jvmtop/top -H command (#analysis data)

  • top: Check if censhare Server (java) process has a high load (permanent 100%)jvmtop: Check if there are censhare Server threads which having a high load

    Note: See below and I'm not sure but I think I've seen systems where 100% load means all cores and some systems where 100% means one core (solaris / linux?). In the later case 250% for a 4 core system would be still OK of course.

  • Check if the whole system has a high load (values like 1-2 are normal, depending on CPUs)

    Note: A load of one means that one core is used for 100%, a bigger value means that processes are waiting for execution if only one core is available. So a load of 3 for a 4 core system would be still OK.

Clue: If there are multiple java process use unix jps command to identify the pid of the censhare-Server java process.

2 // Check censhare garbage collection log files

  • Download log files by using unix command cssgetlogs (2459174) cssgetlogs is a censhare internal unix script. Partners/customers can use scp to download the log files. (#analysis data)

  • The following grep examples apply when using "throughput GC" (Parallel GC/Parallel Old GC), which performs a Stop-the-World when the memory is full. It does not apply when using a concurrent collector like garbage first - G1. Graphical visualization & insightful metrics of G1 GC logs can be analyzed with a GC log analysis tool – e.g.

    For more information, see this


  • Login via SSH

  • Execute the unix lgl command (go to the end of the log file) and watch it a few seconds

  • Check for high "Full GC" times and/or frequent intervals (good would be a Full GC every hour with a duration of max. 10 seconds, but it's depending on the system)

    Note: A Full GC means a stop of the censhare process. Therefore these stop should be short and rare. Stops of less than 3s and only every 3 minutes or even longer are perfect.

    Check that the garbage collection actually does its job: ParOldGen: 292282K->290141K(3571712K) means: 3571712K available, 292282K used garbage collection clean that down to 290141K.

    If the GC cannot free considerable amounts of memory then there's an issue.

  • If existing potentially we have a memory problem. We need a heap dump for further analysis (ask customer for approval if there's no auto created heap dump and you have to create a manual one as it costs performance to create one! And ensure that there's enough disk space available!)

    A possible cause could be that the the remaining jvm size is too small (jvm size - cdb cache size = remaining jvm size) or a memory leak. Note: A discussion of system memory, heap size and cdb cache settings should always consider the number of assets (currversion) in the customer database:

    select count(*) from asset where currversion=0;

Clue: Check for high full garbage collection times and/or frequent intervals

 grep "Full GC" ~/work/logs/gc.log  gclog="$(ls -1tr ~/work/logs/gc.log*|tail -1)"; echo $gclog  # if there's no gc.log but a gc.log.0 grep "Full GC" $gclog

3 // Check censhare server log files

  • Download log files by using unix command cssgetlogs (2459174) cssgetlogs is a censhare internal unix script. Partners/customers can use scp to download the log files. (#analysis data)

  • Login via SSH

  • Execute the unix lcl command (go to the end of the log file) and watch it a few seconds

  • Check if there's a command running frequently (every few seconds) or the log file stalls

  • Set $logs variable to censhare server logs to check (for exmple: directly on the server or locally if log files already downloaded)

     #logs=/Users/user/Desktop/logfiles-servername/server-0.?.log logs=~/work/logs/server-0.?.log
  • Check for frequent intervals or long taking (more than 3s) loading of xslt resource assets (special case only in remote environments, see 2555306)

     grep -c "resource asset.*loaded in [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]" $logs
  • Check for frequent intervals or long taking (more than 60s) AAXsltExecution transformations

     grep -c "AAXsltExecution.*done in [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]" $logs grep "AAXsltExecution.*done in [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]" $logs
  • Check for frequent intervals or long taking (more than 10s) asset queries, cdb updates, cdb checkpoints (possible bottleneck in direction of CDB cache, Storage)

     grep -c "asset.query completed all" $logs grep -c "updates in" $logs grep -c "checkpoint finished in" $logs  grep "asset.query completed all in [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]" $logs grep "updates in [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]" $logs grep "checkpoint finished in [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]" $logs
  • Check for frequent intervals or long taking (more than 60s) asset executes which are checkout, checkins (possible bottleneck in direction of network)

     grep -c "asset.execute completed all" $logs grep "asset.execute completed all in [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]" $logs
  • Check for frequent intervals or long running sql statements, resp. trivial ones (like "SELECT NEXTVAL FROM DUAL;) which are not forged by a Full GC (possible bottleneck in direction of Oracle DB)

     grep -c "SQL statement long execution time" $logs grep "SQL statement long execution time (ms): [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]" $logs

4 // Check for "RUNNABLE", "BLOCKED" and "" within jstack outputs

  • Login via SSH

  • Execute the unix jps command to get the current pid of the censhare-Server java process

  • Execute the unix jstack >jstack1.txt command a few times (adapt the output file name)

  • Download the jstack outputs to your Desktop (#analysis data)

  • Open them via TextWrangler and search for "BLOCKED", "RUNNABLE" and (only if using server version lower than 5.x) ""

Clue: "BLOCKED": shouldn't be found at all. "RUNNABLE": check for several identical ones in different jstacks or non default entries (needs some experience). Special case (only an issue until server version < 5.x ): "": shouldn't be found at all, if found see here


Sample jstack output were AAXsltExecution thread has lead to a performance problem.

5 // Check active censhare-Server commands

  • Login via censhare Admin Client

  • Go to Status|Commands, open it, sort by column "State" and take a screenshot of it (#analysis data)

  • Go to Status|Commands, open it, sort by column "Queue" and take a screenshot of it (#analysis data)

  • Check if there is only one command, double click it to get the description name of the module

Clue: More number of active commands and commands in queue could be an indicator for a performance issue.


Sample were AAXsltExecution module has lead to a performance problem.

6 // Check censhare diagrams

  • Login via censhare Admin Client

  • Go to Status|Diagrams, open it and take a screenshot of it (#analysis data)

  • Check if there are peaks (needs some experience)

Clue: Peaks can be of two types. The line goes up above normal and comes down after sometimes. This shows there was a problem, but the censhare-Server has recovered. If the line goes up above normal and continue to be there, it shows that the problem is still existing and may require a server restart. Note: Save analysis data before a restart if possible. Otherwise a further analysis of the root cause is not possible.

7 // Add (#analysis data) to the ticket

8 // Check if reported slowness is reproducible on system

If the reported info is insufficient ask for an asset id and exactly the steps to confirm the slowness. Maybe it is only sporadically reproducible.