censhare WP (BETA) requires external authentication. The external authentication uses Keycloak as identity broker. Keycloak runs on a dedicated authentication server. You can install Keycloak from an RPM package together with censhare WP (BETA), or use an existing Keycloak server in your network.


The installation is done with the RPM packages for censhare WP (BETA). The setup is done in the Keycloak administration console.


  • Write permissions to the installation directory

  • Installation of censhare WP
  • An administration account for the Keycloak server


censhare WP uses external authentication for the censhare Server in combination with Spring cloud gateway and the new webpacked censhare client. censhare supports Keycloak as authentication server. Keycloak can be installed from the RPM packages together with the static resource server (webpacked client) and Cloud Gateway. If you already use Keycloak in your organizational network, you can connect the censhare Server to this instance within a censhare realm.

The censhare realm contains two clients to handle the login from a web browser (censhare Web), and the login from a censhare Client or censhare Admin Client. censhare Web and censhare WP can be used in parallel operation.

If you use an external identity provider, Keycloak serves as an identity broker between the identity provider and censhare. If you use Keycloak with the censhare standard authentication, Keycloak serves as a gatekeeper to the censhare Server. The configuration of the authentication method is not part of this documentation. For the configuration of the login method, see the

For more information, see the anchor [LINK:next_steps]

section at the end of this article.

Keycloak server startup & admin access

Note: If you use already a Keycloak server and want to configure this server to authenticate censhare user, you can skip this step and continue with the

After successfully installing censhare WP and all required components, the Keycloak server must be configured. The configuration is done in the Keycloak administration console. To start and access Keycloak, do the following:

  1. Add an admin user to access Keycloak. In the Kubernetes cluster where censhare WP is installed, run the following shell script:

    /opt/jboss/keycloak/bin/add-user-keycloak.sh -u admin
  2. Enter a password and press Return.

  3. To load the user, restart the Keycloak server with the following command:

    systemctl restart keycloak

With the admin user that you created, you can access the Keycloak admin console from the URL of the Keycloak server at port 8080:


Configure the censhare realm in Keycloak

Make sure that the Keycloak server is running, that you can access it and log in with the admin user that you created in the previous step. Proceed as follows:

  1. Log in and go to the Keycloak administration console.

  2. At start, Keycloak shows the Master realm. To add a new realm, click Master at the top of the left navigation, and click Add realm.

  3. Enter a name and click Create. The default name of the realm is censhare.

Next, create a system user that the censhare Server uses to retrieve data from Keycloak. You need this user to configure the

For more information, see the Keycloak service in the censhare Admin Client:

  1. Make sure you are in the censhare realm that you just created.

    In the left navigation, click Users.

  2. In the table header, at the right, click Add user.

  3. Enter a Username and click Save.

  4. Go to the Credentials tab, enter a password, confirm the password, and switch the Temporary toggle to OFF.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Go to the Role Mappings tab.

  7. In the Client Roles area, open the Client Roles drop-down list and select realm-management. The fields Available Roles, Assigned Roles, and Effective Roles display.

  8. Select all Available Roles, and click Add selected.

Configure the censhare web application client in Keycloak

The web application client authenticates users from the web-based censhare WP client. To configure the client, do the following:

  1. Log in to the Keycloak administration console.

  2. At the top of the side navigation, select the censhare realm.

  3. In the side navigation, select Clients.

  4. At the top right of the clients table, click Create.

  5. In the Client ID field, enter censhare5 and click Save.

  6. Configure the client as follows:




    Client ID

    Default is censhare5

    Any other ID is allowed. The ID is required to configure the

    For more information, see the anchor [LINK:keycloak_service]



    Default is censhare 5 OpenID client

    Any other name is allowed.


    Optional. Enter a short description of the client.



    Consent Required


    Login Theme

    Select a custom branding and layout for the login page. For more information, see the

    For more information, see the anchor [LINK:custom_branding]

    section. If you do not select any theme, the deafult theme is used.

    Client Protocol


    Access Type


    Standard Flow Enabled


    Implicit Flow Enabled


    Direct Access Grants Enabled


    Service Accounts Enabled


    Authorization Enabled


    Root URL


    Enter the URL from which users access the web-based censhare WP client.

    Valid Redirect URIs


    Enter the URL from which users access the web-based censhare WP client, followed by the asterisk (*).

    Base URL

    not required

    Admin URL

    not required

    Web Origins


    Do not remove the asterisk (*).

    Tip: Use our

    For more information see this article [LINK:4902549]

    client to create this configuration. To do so, click Select file in the Add Client dialog and upload the configuration.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Go to the Credentials tab.

  9. Copy the Secret. You need this secret to setup the

    For more information, see the anchor [LINK:keycloak_service]

    , and for the configuration of the

    For more information, see the section Cloud Gateway [LINK:4907446#cloud-gateway]


    Note: If you imported the JSON configuration file to setup the client, the Secret field shows a [CREATE_SECRET] placeholder. Click Regenerate Secret to generate a valid secret and copy it.

Configure the censhare desktop application client in Keycloak

The desktop application client authenticates users at the censhare Clients and the censhare Admin Clients. To configure the client, do the following:

  1. Log in to the Keycloak administration console.

  2. At the top of the side navigation, select the censhare realm.

  3. In the side navigation, select Clients.

  4. At the top right of the clients table, click Create.

  5. In the Client ID field, enter desktop-app and click Save.

  6. Configure the client as follows:




    Client ID

    Default is desktop-app

    Any other ID is allowed. The ID is required to configure the

    For more information, see the anchor [LINK:keycloak_service]



    Default is censhare Desktop Application OpenID client

    Any other name is allowed.


    Optional. Enter a short description of the client.



    Consent Required


    Login Theme

    Select a custom branding and layout for the login page. For more information, see the

    For more information, see the anchor [LINK:custom_branding]

    section. If you do not select any theme, the deafult theme is used.

    Client Protocol


    Access Type


    Standard Flow Enabled


    Implicit Flow Enabled


    Direct Access Grants Enabled


    Service Accounts Enabled


    Authorization Enabled


    Root URL


    Enter the Keycloak host name (absolute URL). The base URL must be accessible from the client computers inside your corporate network.

    Valid Redirect URIs

    [KEYCLOAK_BASE_URL]* http://localhost:*

    Enter the Keycloak host name (absolute URL), followed by the asterisk (*). Do not remove the localhost entry!

    Base URL

    not required

    Admin URL


    Enter the Keycloak host name (absolute URL).

    Web Origins


    Enter the Keycloak host name (absolute URL).

    Tip: Use our

    For more information see this article [LINK:4902551]

    to create this configuration. To do so, click Select file in the Add Client dialog and upload the configuration.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Go to the Credentials tab.

  9. Copy the Secret. You need this secret to setup the Keycloak service, and for the configuration of the Cloud Gateway.

    Note: If you imported the JSON configuration file to setup the client, the Secret field shows a [CREATE_SECRET] placeholder. Click Regenerate Secret to generate a valid secret and copy it.

Configure a custom theme for Keycloak

The login page of censhare Web and the censhare clients are managed in Keycloak. To customize the look and feel of these pages, you must configure a custom theme in Keycloak. Themes can also be applied to internal administration pages of Keycloak.

A theme consists of HTML templates, stylesheets, messages, scripts, images and theme properties. Themes must be created and edited in an external editor.

To add a custom theme, do the following:

  1. Create a new theme. For more information, see this Keycloak documentation.

  2. On the Keycloak server, perform the following checks to ensure that custom themes are enabled. If custom themes are already enabled on your Keycloak instance, you can skip this step:

    • The COMPOSE_FILE property must include a reference to sso.themes.yml with a colon as delimiter:

    • The ARG_CENSHARE_SSO_THEME_CACHE_DISABLED property must be set to true:

    • The path to the directory that stores the custom theme must be specified:

  3. Build and run the Keycloak server. To do so, change to the standalone webserver directory, and run the ./build.sh command.

  4. Add your custom theme to the directory configured in step 2.

  5. Open the Keycloak URL and log in with your administration credentials.

  6. At the top of the side navigation, select the censhare realm.

  7. Open the Realm settings and go to the Themes tab.

  8. In the Login Theme field, select your custom theme.

Tip: Instead of the realm, you can assign a custom theme to a specific client only. To do so, select the desired client, and in the Settings tab, in the Login theme field, select the desired theme.

Configure the Keycloak service in the censhare Admin Client

The Keycloak service connects the censhare Server to the Keycloak server, and queries the user data from the Keycloak server.

This configuration is done in the censhare Admin Client. You need the admin user credentials from the censhare realm, and both secrets from the clients that you created in Keycloak. Proceed as follows:

  1. In the censhare Admin Client, open the Configuration/Services/Keycloak admin client service directory, and open the Configuration file.

  2. Select the Service enabled field.

  3. In the Invocations field, select the maximum number of parallel processes. The default is 2.

  4. Leave the Version field unaltered.

  5. In the Authentication server setup area, configure the service for the web-based censhare WP client:

    Base URL

    Enter the host name of the Keycloak server (absolute URL). Keycloak must be accessible internally (from the censhare Server) through this URL. Important: Add the certificate for this host to the censhare Server truststore! If the censhare Server is installed inside of Kubernetes, you can use the service name instead.

    Realm name

    Enter the realm name that is configured in the Keycloak administration console. Default is censhare.

    Admin user access name

    Enter the user credentials of the system user that retrieves the data from Keycloak.

    Admin user access password

    Keycloak OAuth2 client ID

    Enter the client ID of the censhare web application client in Keycloak. Default is censhare5.

    Keycloak OAuth client secret

    Enter the secret of the censhare web application client in Keycloak. The secret is generated automatically and can be found in the client settings in the Credentials tab.

  6. In the Authentication credentials for native client setup, configure the service for the desktop applications censhare Client and the censhare Admin Client. The native client service uses the same realm and admin user as the web client setup. Only the client ID and secret are required:

    Base URL (exposed to client)

    Enter the Keycloak URL that is accessible from any native Client in your corporate network.

    Keycloak OAuth2 client ID

    Enter the client ID of the censhare desktop application client in Keycloak. Default is desktop-app.

    Keycloak OAuth native application secret

    Enter the secret of the desktop application client in Keycloak. The secret is generated automatically and can be found in the client settings in the Credentials tab.

  7. Click OK to save the configuration.

  8. Restart the censhare Server. If necessary, synchronize the remote servers.


The Keycloak server is installed and configured in the censharewp instance in your organizational network. To verify the authentication, login either from a censhare Client or from censhare Web. From both instances, you are forwarded to the Keycloak login page. After successful login you are redirected to the censhare Client or the censhare web application.

Next steps

Configure the censhare Standard login, or add and configure the authentication via LDAP or SAML to log in censhare users.