For security reasons, the possibilities of configuration are restricted in the censhare Admin Client. Only the Admin mode gives you full access to the configuration. You need the appropriate permissions to switch into the admin mode.


  • The Admin mode is another security level for access to the functionality. It is available for the censhare Client, censhare Web and the censhare Admin Client.

  • This article is related to the censhare Admin Client. For the more information on the other clients, see

    For more information, see the anchor [LINK:related_articles]


  • Access to the censhare Admin Client

  • Administrator permissions. For more information, see

    For more information, see the anchor [LINK:permissions_needed]


For security reasons, the different configuration sections in the censhare Admin Client such as Master data require different permissions to access them. But there is another security layer on top: the Admin mode. Only within the Admin mode, you have full access to edit all data. For example, you have access to Master data folder and open the 1st Domains table. Without Admin mode, you can change the Name [en] and Name [de] fields of an entry, but not the Parent domain or the Value.


You need to have one of the following administration rights to switch into the Admin mode:  

  • All rights: This gives you all rights that you can have in censhare.

  • Admin all: This gives you access the whole censhare Admin Client.

  • Admin Enter mode: This allows you to switch into the Admin mode in the censhare Admin Client and the Admin Client.


Switch to the Admin mode

  1. Click censhare Admin Client in the menu bar.

  2. Click the About censhare Admin Client entry: a dialog window opens.

  3. While holding the Alt key, click OK.

Leave the Admin mode

Repeat the same steps as in Switch to the Admin mode.


You can switch into the Admin mode and leave it again.