
  • master server installed

  • network connection between the servers for rmi (tcp 1090, 1099, 30543, 30546) and ssh (tcp 22)

  • already logged in with the censhare Admin-Client on the master server

Terms used in the following manual

master server = the server near or with the database remote server = the second, third, ..., server e.g. on another location

Important notes

Server/Client side performance optimization available in 4.7.30, 4.8.11, 4.9.4 and 4.10.0

censhare Admin Client's "Master Data" is read-only for versions after 5.8.1. To edit master data switch to admin mode.

censhare-Server's connected directly to the database, need to have the same time and time zone setup. Please ensure that a time synchronization daemon is running.

Master data

  • Application servers

    • add new server

      ID=$CSS_ID on OS level

  • File systems

    • The assets and assets-temp directories (on OS level) must not be on different physical volumes

    • For versions <4.7 make sure to configure assets-temp as type=Asset-Temp and temp as type=Other.


  • Services|Filesystem

    • For each server with an own filesystem: make sure that a separate directory for assets-temp and temp is configured and exists on OS level.

  • Server|General

    • create a new configuration for the new server and adjust Server name and Master server name

  • Server|Launcher

    • duplicate the custom configuration or create a new configuration for the new server and adjust Server name

Hint: You can configure two kinds of database connections for remote servers.

1. Direct database connection. Recommended if the remote server is in the same LAN as the database.

  • Services|Database

    • duplicate the custom configuration or create a new configuration for the new server

2. Indirect database connection via the master server. Recommended if the remote server is not in the same LAN as the database.

  • Services|Database

    • add 60 database connections (Connections|Maximal) for each remote server to the master's database configuration

  • Services|Database

    • create a new configuration for the new server and deactivate it

  • Services|Database Query

    • create a new configuration for the new server and deactivate it

  • Services|DataObject

    • create a new configuration for the new server and deactivate it

For cluster / node servers with censhare server >=5.8

  • Services|DataObject

    • Increase invocations for the master's data object configuration to 40. Add 10 invocations for each remote server to the master's data object configuration

  • Services|Filesystem

    • create a new configuration for the new server

    • find here more details regarding file system configuration on multiple server environments

  • Services|Remote-Server

    • create a new configuration for the master server and activate it

    • create a new configuration for the new server and customize the configuration as shown in the screenshot


  • Services|Renderer

    • It's recommended to have 1 Render-Client connected to each server if required.

    • find here more details regarding renderer configuration on multiple server environments


Hint: Some modules must run only on one server, some must run on every server.

First, we have to check all commands which are running based on a cron-pattern or timer event if it makes sense to have them running on additional servers.

You can find those modules in censhare Admin/State/Events when you look for the target "scheduler:


censhareAdmin | State | Events

Double click every scheduler event to find out which commands are using that particular scheduler:


commands which using this scheduler

These modules must run only on one server (master):

Since 2018.1 and higher the following modules will have the "Run only on master server" flag set by default. A manual reconfiguration is no longer required then.

  • Administration|Cleanup|Cleanup Database (automatic)

  • Administration|Feature as Asset|Create feature asset for each feature (automatic)

  • Administration|Feature as Asset|Create feature assets (config)

  • Administration|Feature as Asset|Create feature assets by startup

  • Administration|Feature as Asset|Update feature asset by feature changes (automatic)

  • Administration|Maintenance|Check Database Locks (automatic)

  • Administration|Migration|Feature Configuration Automatic Updates

  • Administration|Module Assets|Synchronize client module assets

  • Administration|Module Assets|Synchronize module assets (automatic)

  • Administration|Module Assets|Synchronize module assets (runtime area)

  • Asset Deletion|Delete Assets (automatic)

  • Asset Deletion|Mark Asset Version for Deletion (automatic)

  • Asset Deletion 2|Delete Asset Versions (automatic)

These modules must run on every server:

  • Modules|Administration|Embedded database|Embedded database sync using CCNs (automatic)

  • Modules|Statistics|collect_timing

Modules which can run on every server, but have to be checked, if you want to run the task on just one server

Hint: All persistent configured modules have to be active on the remote server but have event-count-limit (process limit) set to 0 if you want to avoid load balancing. And must have the identical command-id as the command on the master server. For example:

  • Archive

  • Asset Files|SwitchFilesystem for actual Versions (automatic)

  • Image|Convert image (automatic)

  • Image|Create additional Image (automatic)

  • Schedule|Update Actual Date of Schedule Asset (automatic)

  • Schedule|Update Asset Schedules (automatic)

  • Workflow State|Update Worst Workflow State (automatic)

  • Configuration|Modules|Asset Deletion|Delete Files (automatic) #Must run on every server with local filesystem at different times to avoid database locks.

Sync censhare from master to remote server:

As everything is prepared now, sync censhare from the master server to the new remote server.