Requires censhare 2019.3 or later.


The Acrolinx widget is based on the Acrolinx Sidebar plugin. The widget is stored in censhare-product/censhare-Client5/web/src/ng1/client/DAM/widgets/acrolinx. The plugin configuration is stored in the same directory in /sidebar/acrolinx-config.ts.

To authenticate a user, the widget uses the censhare proxy. For more information about the proxy configuration, see Acrolinx integration.


The Acrolinx plugin service connects Content Editor events with the Acrolinx widget.

The service provides the following properties:

  • editorStatus$: observable from the BehaviorSubject. Emits an editorElement when the Content Editor is initialized. This ensures that the Acrolinx sidebar initializes only after the Content Editor is loaded. The property is used in censhare-Client5/web/src/ng1/client/W2P/contentEditor/csContentEditorView/csContentEditor.ts.

  • actions$: observable from the Subject. Emits actions such as: reset, or replaceRanges through the emitAction(action)service method.

Acrolinx component

The csAcrolinxSidebarComponentcomponent defines the initialization and rendering of the acrolinx sidebar.

The command handler returns one the following:

  1. error:

    • error.ambiguousMapping: Ambiguous content language mapping
    • error.languageNotMapped: No Acrolinx language is mapped to the asset content language
    • error.invalidMapping: Invalid language mapping, censhare language is mapped to several values
      For more information about the error messages and troubleshooting, see the ecosphere article.
  2. enabled: it defines whether the Acrolinx module is enabled in the censhare Admin Client

  3. guidanceProfile: it defines what writing guidance is applied to the content.

The acrolinx widget can be added on pages like any other censhare widget. However, the command handler requires an asset reference during initialization.