Address different areas of images separately with the Slice tool.


For example, to create HTML newsletters with separate interchangeable image areas, each slice can obtain a dedicated hyperlink. Photoshop users are familiar with this functionality.


This feature is deactivated by default. If you need it, contact your censhare administrator.


In the metadata dialog of an image, select the Slice Tool tab:

  1. To activate the widget, click the (+) in the Slice Tool tab.

  2. Double-click Edit Slice and rename the root slice, otherwise it stays as "root".

  3. Right-click the image preview and select the desired editing action. These actions are available:

    • Edit slice

    • Delete slice

    • Create slice above

    • Create slice below

    • Create slice left

    • Create slice right

Each slice is freely movable. Grab the handles to adjust the slice on a pixel level. Superimposing of slices is prevented by requiring a minimum distance of a few pixels.

You can also rename each slice later by double-clicking directly on its name tag in the upper left. The pixel coordinates of the mouse cursor determine, where the new neighboring slice is created. When a slice name is already taken, you are notified about this.

When you create additional slices, dual root names can occur which are marked in the XML with "_mod" followed by a number.

Further processing

  1. Select the asset and run the command Slice asset from the Server Actions menu of the Client.

The slices are then attached as child assets under the Image asset. 

Delete slices

Click on the Trash icon in the lower left to delete all slices at once, if you want to start again from scratch.


You can now use the slices for further processing in newsletters or embedding in HTML pages.