All ports must be TCP and are configured by default as mentioned below.

censhare Java clients

all Java-based clients, for example censhare Client, Admin Client, Render Client

  • 1099 (RMI) and 30543-30545 (RMI highports) or

  • 30546-30548 (RMI highport over SSL)

You can also specify a port directly, such as SSL, only with port 30546.

For this, add the port to the RMI URL within your hosts.xml:


In this case, only port 30546 will be used.

Configure fixed port for connections from censhare Server to censhare Render Client.

By default, the censhare Render Client binds to a random higher port. How to configure a fixed port is described here.

Application server to database

  • 1521 (JDBC)

Access to censhare 5 Web

  • 9000 (http) and 9443 (https)

As of censhare v5.8, http is not allowed anymore and will be deactivated by default.

As censhare 5 Web uses a build-in Jetty web server which also serves the REST interface and temporary download link, these ports are valid for those services, too.

censhare built-in FTP server

  • 4242 for FTP

  • 4243 for FTPs

censhare Online Channel and censhare application server

see above for RMI communication

censhare application servers among each other

see above for RMI communication

censhare ports diagram