• YouTrack issue
    • SAFe compatible
    • Theme: Use case
      • Owner: PM
    • Epic: User centric flow
      • Owner: PM/PO
    • Feature/Enabler: Functionality
      • Not larger than one team within 1 PI
      • Owner: PO
    • User story: Small piece of functionality
      • Not larger than one team within 1 sprint
      • Owner: PO/Team
    • Task: Development task
      • Not larger than 1 day, ideally
      • Owner: Developer
  • Everything lives in the same project
    • Decision: Use existing “censhare Web”
    • We can think about creating a new project “cenTaur” later

User story map structure

  • Work out user story maps collaboratively
  • Red boxes map to Features
  • Yellow boxes map to User stories
    • (Might not be the case in current Ludwig map size-wise, we have to change that in future)
  • Description of the user centric items (yellow boxes) on the map does not have to be synced to YouTrack 1:1. BUT it must be clear which YouTrack user stories are part of and finish a User story map item.
    • Implement via YouTrack links from Miro


  • Collaborate on User story map(s) 👨🏼‍💻👩🏽‍💻…
  • First draft of prioritized stories are defined
    • At a given time, to define, before planning of the first PI that this map goes into
    • Assign teams
    • No scope changes are done on these prioritized stories
    • Owner: PM/PO
  • Create and link YouTrack Epics/Feature structure based on User story map
    • PI planning context: Define fixed timeframe before PI
    • Owner: PO
  • PI planning from there 👨🏼‍💻👩🏽‍💻…