Supported operating systems, databases, browsers and their compatibility with censhare version 2021. Read this information carefully before installing or updating censhare. If you have any doubts about the compatibility of your environment, please contact our Service desk.

censhare Server

Operating system

Operating system



Red Hat Enterprise Linux (64-bit)




7.x (2)
8.x (2)

CentOS (64-bit)




6.x (1)
7.x (1)
8.x (1)

Oracle Linux (64-bit)


6.x (2)
7.x (2)

Oracle Solaris (x86 64-bit)



SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (x86 64-bit)


12.x (2)
15 (2)

Windows Server


macOS Server


Ubuntu Server LTS 64-bit



(1) Recommended installation. censhare installation was fully tested and installation packages are optimized for this OS.

(2) Installation packages work on this OS. Installation packages may require adaptations.






(tick) (1)

min. version 12cR2
tested versions 18 & 19 (3)


(tick) (2)

min. version 9.6.3
tested version 12 (3)


(1) censhare supports all Oracle certified Linux and Solaris distributions (Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition). See Oracle notes 742060.1 and 756671.1. If you run your Oracle database in a virtual environment, see this White paper before you start your installation.

(2) censhare supports PostreSQL on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (64-bit), CentOS (64-bit), SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (64-bit) and Oracle Linux (64-bit). For a detailed installation manual see the PostgreSQL installation article or the official documentation.

(3) The latest version censhare was tested with. Newer release versions may cause unexpected behavior. In this case, please contact our support.

Java development kit (JDK)

The censhare Server runs on Java and requires the Java development kit (JDK).

JDK version


Java 6 SE (64-bit)


Java 7 SE (64-bit)


Java 8 SE (64-bit)


Java 11 SE (1)



(1)  To avoid support costs, censhare recommends OpenJDK .

Hardware hints

To achieve a good performance, there are three decisive factors:

  • High memory bandwidth

  • CPU performance

  • Fast disk drives (SSD) for the embedded database (CDB)

We recommend current processor architectures with high memory bandwidth (e.g. Intel Ivy Bridge / Haswell) and a CPU speed of 3GHz or faster. Java parallel GC (garbage collection) is a good choice for fast GCs. For more information about garbage collection see this Wikipedia article.

Calculate a minimum of 8 CPU threads for censhare. Large installations require more threads. Small installations can be run with less threads. The installation details must be calculated in the project planning phase. We recommend to calculate more CPU threads than actually necessary for additional services like a local ServiceClient or Web Client. As guiding values, calculate a minimum of 8 GB RAM and 4 core (threads) CPU for a small demo or test system.

We recommend that files for the embedded database (CDB) are located on a separate mount point.

Note on virtualization: censhare with all components supports Solaris Zones and VMWare ESX version 5.1 or higher.

Cloud services

The complete censhare platform or individual components can be installed on cloud computing platforms.


censhare Server


Amazon Web Services (AWS)

(tick) (1)

censhare Server - Elastic Cloud Computing - EC2

Database - Amazon Relational Database Service - ARDS - with Oracle or PostgreSQL database

Asset file system - Simple Storage Service - S3

Interface file system (hotfolders) - Elastic Block store - EBS

Microsoft Azure

(tick) (2)

censhare standard applications - can be hosted and run on Microsoft Azure


(1) Fore more information, see Amazon Web Services. For the AWS regions, see this page .

(2) Azure Storage currently supported using Azure Files Storage only.
For more information, please contact your partner manager.

censhare Admin Client

The censhare Admin Client is required to set up, configure and monitor your system. In the censhare Admin Client, you configure Master data, Services, Modules, and Servers.

Operating system

Operating system








10.13 High Sierra
10.14 Mojave
10.15 Catalina

(tick)11.x Big Sur (1)

(1) For installation on Apple ARM platforms see our FAQ.

Java Development Kit (JDK)

The censhare Client runs on Java. As of Java version 11, there is no longer a separate Java Runtime Environment (JRE). The Java Development Kit (JDK) is included in the censhare Admin Client bundle.

Client OS

JRE / JDK version



Java 6 SE (64-bit)


Java 6 SE (32-bit)


Java 8 SE (64-bit)


Java 11 SE (1)



Java 6 SE (32-bit)


Java 6 SE (64-bit)


Java 8 SE (32-bit)


Java 8 SE (64-bit)


Java 11 SE (1)


(1) The censhare Admin Client is bundled with OpenJDK version 11. You do not need to install a JDK locally.

censhare Service Client

Operating system



Red Hat Enterprise Linux (64-bit)




7.x (2)
8.x (2)

CentOS (64-bit)




6.x (1)
7.x (1)
8.x (1)

Oracle Linux (64-bit)


6.x (2)
7.x (2)

Oracle Solaris (x86 64-bit)




11.x (3)

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (x86 64-bit)


12.x (2)
15 (2)

Windows Server





10.13 High Sierra (4)
10.14 Mojave (4)
10.15 Catalina (4)

(tick)11.x Big Sur (5)

Ubuntu Server


all versions

(1) Recommended installation. censhare installation was fully tested and installation packages are optimized for this OS.

(2) Installation packages work on this OS. Installation packages may require adaptations.

(3) No standard installation packages available for this OS. Ask our support for installation on this OS.

(4) Installation on mac OS not recommended.

(5) For installation on Apple ARM platforms see our FAQ and the installation guide for the censhare Client with VFS.

Java development kit (JDK)

Client OS

JRE version



Java 6 SE (64-bit)


Java 6 SE (32-bit)


Java 8 SE (64-bit)


Java 11 SE (1)


mac OS

Java 6 SE (32-bit)


Java 6 SE (64-bit)


Java 8 SE (32-bit)


Java 8 SE (64-bit)


Java 11 SE (1)


(1) The censhare Service Client is bundled with OpenJDK version 11. You do not need to install a JDK locally.

Hardware hints

As a guideline for your hardware, calculate 1 CPU thread and 1 GB RAM for each instance.

censhare Render Client

The censhare Render Client is an optional component and only required for external image rendering with Adobe InDesign. For more information, see the specifications for Adobe InDesign Server.

Operating system

Operating system



Windows Server



macOS Server


10.13 High Sierra
10.14 Mojave
10.15 Catalina (1)

(tick)11.x Big Sur (2)

(1) Requires censhare version 2020.1.1 or higher.

(2) For installation on Apple ARM platforms see our FAQ and the installation guide for the censhare Client with VFS.

Java development kit (JDK)

Client OS

JRE version



Java 6 SE (64-bit)


Java 6 SE (32-bit)


Java 8 SE (64-bit)


Java 11 SE (1)



Java 6 SE (32-bit)


Java 6 SE (64-bit)


Java 8 SE (32-bit)


Java 8 SE (64-bit)


Java 11 SE (1)


(1) The censhare Render Client is bundled with OpenJDK version 11. You do not need to install a JDK locally.

Hardware hints

As a guideline for your hardware, calculate 1 CPU thread and 1 GB RAM for each instance.

censhare Client (aka Java Client)

The censhare Client is installed on the computer of the censhare user and connects to the censhare Server and database. The censhare Client can be installed with or without a virtual file system (VFS).

Operating system

Operating system





10 (1)



10.13 High Sierra (2)
10.14 Mojave (2)
10.15 Catalina (2,3)

(tick)11.x Big Sur (4)

(1) Requires Visual C++ 2015. On some distributions of Windows 10, Visual C++ 2008 is installed as standard. This causes censhare Client not to start correctly.

(2) Requires virtual file system (VFS) version 1.1.5 or higher. Latest version recommended. For more information, see Virtual file system.

(3) Requires censhare version 2020.1.1 or higher.

(4) For installation on Apple ARM platforms see our FAQ and the installation guide for the censhare Client with VFS.

Java Development Kit (JDK)

The censhare Client runs on Java. As of Java version 11, there is no longer a separate Java Runtime Environment (JRE). The Java Development Kit (JDK) is included in the censhare Client bundle.

Client OS

JRE version



Java 6 SE (64-bit)


Java 6 SE (32-bit)


Java 8 SE (64-bit)


Java 11 SE (1)



Java 6 SE (32-bit)


Java 6 SE (64-bit)


Java 8 SE (32-bit)


Java 8 SE (64-bit)


Java 11 SE (1)


(1) censhare Client is bundled with OpenJDK version 11. You do not need to install a JDK locally.

censhare Web

censhare Web is the web interface for the censhare platform. Users access censhare Web in their web browser. If not otherwise stated, the latest version of a browser is supported. The version in brackets refers to the browser version the censhare platform was tested with.





Internet Explorer 11


Edge (Chromium based)


Chrome (71)


Mozilla Firefox


mac OS

Safari (12)


Chrome (71)


Mozilla Firefox



Mobile Safari (latest)

(tick) (1,2)


Chrome for Android (latest)

(tick) (1,2)

(1) Limited functionality of censhare Web on mobile devices. Built-in editors are not supported.

(2) Only tablets with a recommended minimum screen size of 9.7 inches. Smart phones and other mobile devices are not supported.

Performance of the censhare platform with censhare Web

The performance that users experience with censhare Web depends on the network bandwidth. Therefore, performance can vary depending on whether users are working in an internal or public network. As a rule of thumb, our web application works well with a network bandwidth of 1 MB/s upstream, 100 KB/s downstream and <50 ms latency or better.

If users upload and download large files to and from censhare Web (high-resolution images, videos, 3D models, etc.), upload and download times can be significantly longer. This is due to bandwidth limitations and not caused by performance issues of the censhare Server.

You can test the client/server communication and server performance in the developer mode of censhare Web.

The file upload in censhare Web can be configured to make it robust when working with low bandwidth or network quality. 

censhare Online Channel

The censhare Online Channel is a publishing portal for editorial content, documents or media assets. It can be setup independently from the censhare Server and is not bound to a censhare Server version. For more information, see censhare Installation of the Online Channel.

Prepare your host for installation

If you plan to prepare a host and let censhare install the system software on it, make sure that the following requirements are fulfilled:

  • Proper IP setup

  • Proper DNS setup

  • SSH or VNC/RDP access

  • Working package management system

  • NTP setup