You can configure several mail servers and accounts to use in other services. Learn how to configure the account and service in general. The configuration can be found in the censhare Admin Client under Configuration | Services | E-Mail.


Properties Overview

  • Name - This is used as a label for your e-mail server settings and account and will be used as a reference in other configurations later. The first entry is labeled with "corpus" as this is already used by default at other internal services in censhare (e.g. sending passwords to users)

  • Store protocol - If you use a service to fetch e-mails, you can choose the protocol to be used for it. The options are pop3, pop3s, imap, imaps

  • Transport protocol - If you use a service to send e-mails, you can choose the protocol to be used for it. The options are smtp, smtps, imap, imaps

  • mail.from - The return e-mail address.

  • - The POP3/SMTP/IMAP server to connect to.







  • - When using SSL, if set to "*", all hosts are trusted. If set to a whitespace-separated list of hosts, those hosts are trusted. If not set, you have to add trustworthy certificates of the server to the truststore.




  • mail..port - A specific connect port for the mail host.

    • mail.pop3.port - The POP3 server port to connect to. Defaults to 110

    • mail.pop3s.port - The POP3s server port to connect to. Defaults to 995

    • mail.smtp.port - The SMTP server port to connect to. Defaults to 25

    • mail.smtps.port - The SMTPs server port to connect to. Defaults to 465

    • mail.imap.port - The IMAP server port to connect to. Defaults to 143

    • mail.imaps.port - The IMAPs server port to connect to. Defaults to 993

  • mail.smtp.auth - If set to false, no authentication to the mailserver is used and the censhare-Server IP should be allowed to relay with the mailserver. Also, mail.smtp.user and mail.smtp.password have to be removed to fully deactivate authentication.

  • mail..user - Default user name for POP3/SMTP/IMAP. If you don't use authentication, remove this property.

    • mail.pop3.user

    • mail.pop3s.user

    • mail.smtp.user

    • mail.smtps.user

    • mail.imap.user

    • mail.imaps.user

  • mail..password - Password for the given user. If you don't use authentication, remove this property.

    • mail.pop3.password

    • mail.pop3s.password

    • mail.smtp.password

    • mail.smtps.password

    • mail.imap.password

    • mail.imaps.password

  • mail..connectiontimeout - Socket connection timeout value in milliseconds. This timeout is implemented by Default is an infinite timeout.

    • mail.pop3.connectiontimeout

    • mail.smtp.connectiontimeout

    • mail.imap.connectiontimeout

  • mail..timeout - Socket read timeout value in milliseconds. This timeout is implemented by Default is an infinite timeout.

    • mail.pop3.timeout

    • mail.smtp.timeout

    • mail.imap.timeout

  • mail.debug - Gives out more debug messages to the server log.