With Eclipse you can create new workspaces for censhare projects.

Import projects into workspace

It's recommended to create a new workspace for censhare projects.

  • Use "File > Import > Import existing projects into workspace" to import projects

Projects to import:

  • censhare-LibSupport
  • censhare-Server
  • censhare-Client5


In order to debug any issues on the server side, a debug configuration for Remote Java Application has to be set up.

  • Open the Debug Configuration window by going to menu "Run > Debug configurations"

  • Create a new Remote Java Application debug connection
  • Set the settings as shown on the picture below:

  • Select the censhare-Server as Project and then press "Debug" to start debugging

Note: The given configuration will connect to the running local censhare server.


The code will be automatically deployed upon browser refresh, as long as the Development mode is on.

General preferences

  • Define the sorting of import statements for automatic organizing

  • Prevent the storing of trailing whitespace

  • censhare's XML schemas for comfortable editing with autosuggestion and validation


Make sure to following our Codestyle rules for a correct code format.

Compiler preferences

  • Error severity level

  • Javadoc preferences

  • Task tags definitions

More detailed explanation on the task tags definitions can be found here.

Project configuration

In the Eclipse project structure - branch versions have a different prefix on the project's name (e.g. stable, 5.4).

Any of these projects should contain their own run configurations for the client applications (e.g. censhare-Client, censhare-Admin). If the running server is using an additional launcher application, a separated configuration needs to be done for the project to run within Eclipse.

Example (use your own server id instead of sva):

Example content of VM arguments:

-Xms768m -Xmx768m -XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:NewSize=64M -XX:MaxNewSize=64M -XX:SurvivorRatio=16 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=15 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=50 -XX:-UseParallelGC -XX:-UseParallelOldGC -Djava.util.logging.manager=com.censhare.support.util.logging.CustomLogManager -Djavax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory=com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl -Djava.security.manager=java.rmi.RMISecurityManager -Djava.security.policy=work/runtime.**{server_name}**/config/censhareserver.policy -Djava.security.properties=work/runtime.**{server_name}**/config/security.properties -Dcom.sun.management.config.file=work/runtime.**{server_name}**/config/management.properties

It might be caught from the console when the server is running.

JVM options for censhare-Client

Running the Java Client from within Eclipse requires adding the following JVM options in the module's compiler settings. These options are used both during compile time and runtime.

  • Go to Project > Properties: Java Build Path, tab Libraries
  • Select the JRE > Is modular node and click Edit...
  • Go to the tab Details
  • In the Added exports section click Add...
  • Enter the below JVM options using the following example:
    • Source module: java.desktop
    • Package: java.awt.peer

censhare VFS FAQ

Avoiding errors

  • Load / Unload censhareVFS (Mac)

    • Load: Copy CenshareFS.kext from censhare-product/censhare_Vfs/bin to a new location
    sudo chown -R root:wheel censhare-product/CenshareFS.kext
    sudo kextload censhare-product/CenshareFS.kext
    • Unload:
    sudo kextunload /System/Library/Extensions/CenshareFS.kext/
    • Check status:

IDE Eclipse: Failed to create virtual filesystem

Error Message: Failed to create virtual filesystem "localhost": com/censhare/vfs/AbstractCsVfs: Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 Solution: You're using the wrong Java version to build the VFS. The VFS requires Java 6 because the underlying native libs are compiled against Java 6.

  • Open properties of the project "censhare-VFS" and navigate to "Java Build Path". Make sure Java 1.6 is selected as JRE System Library.

  • Navigate to "Java Compiler" and select "Enable project specific settings" and "Use compliance from execution environment Java 1.6 in the Java Build Path.".