The access to the partner-git repository is managed through ssh. You must provide an ssh public key and have a username for ssh access.


To login to git, an ssh URL is used and not your username but always the user "git". Internally your user is mapped by the used ssh-key so it's important that the right ssh-key is used when connecting to git. Below we will explain how to set the key when connecting.


SSH setup

To easily access and work with the partner-git.

Mac / Linux

Using ssh config file: ~/.ssh/config

Host censhare-git
    User           git
    Port           443
    IdentityFile   ~/.ssh/censhare-git.key
    IdentitiesOnly yes


Clone repository

git clone ssh://

Available branches

Every censhare release minor version is released in its own branch on the repository. The name of a released version is release/<version>. For example: release/2021.1

Working with branches

After cloning the remote repository you are in the master branch. The master branch only contains a readme file.

List all branches

git branch -rv

Switch branch

git checkout <branch-name>


git checkout release/2020.3

Update local repository

git fetch
git pull

Check which branch is used

git branch


git status