Validate the XSL transformation that you develop for censhare.

XSLT transformations are useful for aggregating and limiting data for specific queries and purposes. This prevents sending too much data over the wire from the server to the client.

The existing XSLT evaluator of the Java Client can be used for this. However, it does not yet support the new logical model, so first, we need to retrieve the XML for the logical model, like this:

http://localhost:9000/ws/rest/service/assets/asset/id/<asset-id>/model;format=logical/<format>, where <asset-id> is the ID of the asset you are interested in, and <format> is "xml" or "json".

Note: This URL is authenticated and this authentication currently works only on Chrome or Safari. It won't work on Firefox (uncertain on Opera or IE)!

Copy and paste the logical model XML that is returned from the URL into the XSTL evaluator. You can then test the XSLT transformation on this Logical Model XML. Note that the transformation won't work on the asset XML directly.

Alternatively, you can validate the transformation in a browser window. The URL for this would be:

http://localhost:9000/ws/rest/service/assets/asset/id/<asset-id>/model;format=logical/transform;key=<transformationkey>/xml, where <asset-id> is again the ID of the asset you are interested in and <transformationkey> is the name of the transformation, e.g. censhare:cs5.query.asset.list.

Note: When creating a transformation asset from scratch in the Java Client, make sure to set the standard application for the asset to the text editor (Java Client > Meta data > Tab Advanced > Advanced > Application). This will allow you to open the transformation asset for editing with a double-click.