How to enable the client logging into a file.

Activation for censhare Client under Windows

  • Activate Admin Mode

    • how to activate admin mode

  • Activate logging in file

    • Click in Menu / File / Preferences / Logs ... and set at follows

    • General / Client to INFO

    • Output: activate "File"

    • confirm with OK

A new log file will be written at C:\$USERHOME\<username>\censhare\v4\javaclient-0.0.log

Activation for censhare Client under macOS

  • Activate Admin Mode

    • how to activate admin mode

  • Activate logging in file

    • Click in Menu / File / Preferences / Logs ... and set at follows

    • AGeneral / Client to INFO

    • Output: activate "File"

    • confirm with OK

A new log file will be written at ~/Library/Preferences/censhare/v4/javaclient-0.0.log

To disable the logging, follow the steps above in reversed order. Admin mode is required to do this.