Learn how to set up the translation module for the censhare Client.


You need a separate license for translation with memory. 


In the preferences of the translation window, you can set, whether tags are displayed in short or long format.
You can import existing translation memory files from other systems, which are capable to export translation memory for data exchange in the common TMX format (an XML derivative). This includes all major manufacturers of commercial translation software such as SDL Trados. The settings for import and export can be made in censhare Admin client under Modules/TMX. To start using translation memory and terminology, the service "Inverted index" must be activated.
Finally, there is the module "Translation". Here you can enable a colored representation of the differences between the modified text versions in the original language (change tracking). In addition, here the translation memory index can be updated or rebuilt via a server action. In order to quickly access translation memory and terminology, both of them have a separate index in the CDB (censhare database). Thus no query on the database server (Oracle) is necessary.

If elements such as "Mr." or "Dr." are frequently used in your translation assets, it is necessary to declare them as exceptions, otherwise an end of the segment is assumed by mistake in mid-sentence after the full stop (segment marker). Abbreviations, which may affect the segmentation, such as "Dr.", "ca." or "etc." can be entered and maintained in the master data under "Translation Abbreviations" for every language ​used. User-specific settings can be accomplished in the censhare Client settings under "Preferences · Translation". Here also, the "Match limit for automatic accept" can be defined, to automatically fill in suggestions from translation memory. By default it is 100 percent. Values in the format ​​0.85 or 85 are allowed as input.

Lowering the match limit

To use the Admin module "Dictionary" an additional license is required. This will allow the import of foreign XML dictionaries into terminology.

Additional special characters to insert with the context menu are set with the XML editor in the "Client Preferences" of the Admin Client.

  <!--  metadata-translation /-->

     <character-def character="
" display-character="¬" name="${hard-return}"/>

There is an option to replace characters before displaying data in translation of content/metadata (currently only metadata and xml-content). Look into javaclient-preferences under the XML node <replace chars> for an example configuration. Visibility changes will also affect entries that are added to the translation memory but will not change the source of the translation, only its view. The latter feature does not support ICML yet.

The number of SQL database queries is optimized and limited so that opening a text with the command "Translation of content with memory" is very fast. Moreover, there is an option to set a threshold in the serve configuration file "... censhare-Server/work/runtime .../modules/translation/tm-query.xml" where no translation suggestions are displayed below that percentage value.

Excerpt of 'tm-query.xml'. The standard value for the threshold is 10%:

<config match-limit="0.1"/>

Adjustment to 67%:

<config match-limit="0.67"/>