This article describes how footnotes and references are handled in the Content Editor of the censhare Client.


There are two ways to add references when working with the Article Editor in the censhare Client:

  • Inline footnotes

    This is the variant supported by the InDesign and XSL-FO output. When you want to create a new footnote, you add a Footnote Element inline into your text. The text inside this element can be tagged with the default styles like bold, italic, etc. and will appear in the footnote. The position of the footnote element will be marked with a consecutive number.

  • References with a unique key

    In case a source is referenced multiple times in the same text or you need complex list views inside your references that can't be handled with standard InDesign functionality, you can add references to a the References tab.

    Here, an automatically generated key is set along with the type of the reference (footnote or literature; note though that these footnotes are completely separate from those mentioned above). These references can hold more complex structures such as  paragraphs and lists and their sub-structures. In addition, you can add a label that overwrites the consecutive numbering with a fixed string.

    Adding a reference to this information is simply done by adding an empty reference Element into the Text.

    This element allows now to define the key of the entry inside the reference tab that it belongs to and an optional label that will be displayed inline

    This structure is only supported by the online channel by default. For print and other output formats project-specific output transformations need to be created.