The access to the partner-git repository is managed through ssh. You already provided a ssh public key and got a username for ssh access. To login to git a ssh url is used and not your username but always the user “git”. Internally your user is mapped by the used ssh-key so it’s important that the right ssh-key is used when connecting to git. Below we will explain how to set the key when connecting.


SSH setup

To easily access and work with the partner-git.

Mac / Linux

Using ssh config file: ~/.ssh/config

Host censhare-git
   User           git
   Port           443
   IdentityFile   ~/.ssh/censhare-git.key
   IdentitiesOnly yes


Clone repository

git clone ssh://

Available branches

Every censhare release minor version e.g. 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 2017.1, … will have its own branch on the repository named like:
release/<version>. For example, you’ll find these branches:

  • release/5.6
  • release/5.7
  • release/5.8
  • release/2017.1

and so on.

If you want to work with censhare 5.8, choose the release/5.8 branch.

Working with branches

After cloning the remote repository you’re in the master branch which should only contain a readme file.

List all branches:

git branch -rv

Switch branch:

git checkout <branch-name>


git checkout release/5.8

Update local repository

git fetch

git pull

Check which branch is used

git branch


git status