Remote Director is a PDF proof tool with browser-based front-end and Web Service API. 


Web Service API is used for a soft proofing integration with the censhare system. PDF documents of assets that can be sent to Remote Director (new server action and asset automation) and can be viewed in a browser window (new server action). The storage key and the storage  MIME type of the asset can be configured. A special licence is needed for using this server functionality. A current client version is required to support the following:

<command target = "client" method = "showURLInBrowser" key = "input" />

Example proof

The interface provides the following commands:

    • aa-create-proof-action (Server action)
    • aa-create-proof (Asset automation)
      Both check if the supplied asset has a storage item of the configured key and mimetype. Other assets are ignored. If the proof ID feature is set already and the content version didn't change the asset is ignored (proof already available). Otherwise a new proof is created, the file is copied to the configured location using the proof ID as folder and the file name in the storage item and added to the proof.
    • open-proof-action (Server action)

      This creates a new proof according to the sequence above if required. It creates a URL using a generated security ticket and tells the client to open it in the browser.

    Activating the two necessary server actions.


The modules/interfaces/remote_director package implements the Remote Director interface. For earlier censhare versions the interface may be installed manually by adding the package and adding the 3rdParty libraries axis.jarjaxrpc.jar and commons-discovery-0.2.jar from censhare-3rdParty/lib to app/services/scriptlet/lib.

The configuration has to be done in the XML editor by clicking the XML button in the configuration dialog (rd-include.xml).
    <setting id="default"  name of the configuration
        serviceURL=""   Web-Service URL to invoke RD
        userURL=""  User URL to invoke RD
        adminUser="" adminPWD="xxx"  Administration User (used to create proofs)
        proofUser="" proofPWD="xxx"  User (used to open proofs)
        storage-key="pdf"  Storage key for file to upload
        storage-mimetype="application/pdf"  Mimetype of storage item to upload
        feature-key="rd:proof_id"  Feature that stores the proof ID and content version of asset (must be created as type integer pair (long))

      Settings according to prepareProof API method (see below)
        proofType="Color" useMaxLum="true" lumValue="200" illuminant="D50"
        autoLockImages="true" inkCoverage="200" invitees=""
        seatInstructions="" permissions="all" requireCalibration="false"
        viewBooth="" lampType="" dueDate="">
        Settings according to updateProofSettings API method (see below)
        <proof-setting field="defaultProfileFingerprint" value-string="69613d578c77c794cce4d05f8a3f8263" value-float="0.0" value-int="0" value-boolean="false"/>
      Settings according to addImageToProofID API method (see below)
        csFilesystem="export"  file system for censhare server to upload files
        csRelpath="file:RD-Files/"  relative path for censhare server to upload files
        rdFilepath="\\vmware-host\Shared Folders\Desktop\RD-Files\"  directory path as RD has mounted this file system
        defaultRGBProfPath="C:\Program Files\ICS Color Software\Remote Director\Support\Profiles\ICS RGB.icm"
        defaultCMYKProfPath="C:\Program Files\ICS Color Software\Remote Director\Support\Profiles\SWOP2006_Coated5v2.icm"
        defaultLabProfPath="C:\Program Files\ICS Color Software\Remote Director\Support\Profiles\ICS Lab.icm"
        proofProfPath="" profileHandling="UseEmbedded" ripDPI="150"
        ripStartPage="1" ripEndPage="999" jpegQuality="4.0"
        renderingIntent="AbsoluteColorimetric" antialiasing="false"
        preserveSpotColors="true" simulateSpots="false">


ProofStruct ics.RD3WS.S_prepareProof2
String proofName,
String proofDescription,
int companyId,
String tags,
String proofType,
boolean useMaxLum,
int  lumValue,
String illuminant,
boolean autoLockImages,
int inkCoverage,
String invitees,
String seatInstructions,
String permissions,
boolean requireCalibration,
String viewBooth,
String lampType,
String dueDate,
String securityTicket 
)  throws Exception

Creates new proof, adds users to proof.

Parameters  set are:

proofName name of proof to be created
proofDescription description of proof that is being created
tags arbitrary comma-delimited string of user-definable tags
proofType type of proof, either "Color" or "ContentOnly"
useMaxLum should this proof use max luminance
lumValue if not using maxLum, then this is the luminance value to use for proof
autoLockImages As of Remote Director 4,0, set to "false" for all proofs.
illuminant Proof illuminant, one of "D50", "D65", "F2", or "A"
inkCoverage level of ink coverage that will trigger warning
invitees list of seat usernames who are invited to this proof, delimited by "|". The first username should be the Proof Creator, as in "grant|bob"
seatInstructions list of instruction text, delimited by "|". Must be aligned with list of invitees, and have same number of delimited strings
permissions list of permissions, one or more per seat username invitee, delimited by "|". Set to "all" in Remote Director 4.0
requireCalibration Set to true if you want to require the proof viewer to be calibrated
viewBooth type of view booth
lampType view booth lamp type
dueDate date the proof is due for signoff
securityTicket authentication ticket provided by an earlier authentication request

Returns returns ProofStruct with all information filled in from the proof that was just created

void ics.RD3WS.S_updateProofSettings
int inProofID,
String fieldName,
String strValue,
float floatValue,
int intValue,
boolean boolValue,
String securityTicket 
)  throws Exception

Updates proof parameters after calling s_prepareProof.

Parameters  set are:
inProofID  ProofID of the proof that contains the requested image
fieldName  Metadata field to modify, one of:
• (Boolean) finished: Set to 0 in Remote Director 4.0
• (Boolean) useMaxLum
• (Boolean) syncIntents
• (Boolean) tileImages: Set to 0 in Remote Director 4.0
• (Boolean) syncViews: Set to 0 in Remote Director 4.0
• (Boolean) hideScrolls: Set to 0 in Remote Director 4.0
• (Boolean) showRulers: Set to 0 in Remote Director 4.0
• (Boolean) requireCalibration
• (Boolean) autoLockImages: Set to 0 in Remote Director 4.0
• (Int) inkCoverage
• (Int) lumValue
• (String) jdfURL
• (String) description
• (String) jdfContents
• (String) viewBooth
• (String) lampType
• (String) defaultProfileFingerprint
• (String) defaultRenderingIntent
• (String) dueDate
• (String) illuminantCode
• (Int) activeImageID
• (Boolean) finished
• (String) defaultPrintProcess
• (String) company
• (String) xmlSignoffStatus

strValue  If metadata is of type String, pass value in this parameter. Other params are ignored.
floatValue  If metadata is of type Float, pass value in this parameter. Other params are ignored.
intValue  If metadata is of type Int, pass value in this parameter. Other params are ignored.
boolValue  If metadata is of type Boolean, pass value in this parameter. Other params are ignored.
authentication ticket provided by an earlier authentication request

int ics.RD3WS.S_addImageToProofID
int proofID,
String imageServer,
String imageFilePath,
String defaultRGBProfPath,
String defaultCMYKProfPath,
String defaultLabProfPath,
String proofProfPath,
String profileHandling,
int ripDPI,
int ripStartPage,
int ripEndPage,
String description,
float jpegQuality,
String renderingIntent,
boolean antialiasing,
boolean preserveSpotColors,
String password,
boolean simulateSpots,
int version,
String securityTicket 
)   throws Exception

Adds an image to an existing proof.

Parameters  set are:

proofID from earlier s_prepareProof
name of Image Server that will contain this proof. Note: this is not the ip address, but rather the human-readable name as shown on the Proofbuyer portal on the tserver
full path to image file that is to be added. Note: must be resolvable from filesystem of the Image Server machine. You may specify any path, as long as the Image Server can reach it using standard fopen() calls.
full path to default RGB profile Note: must be resolvable from filesystem of the Image Server machine.
full path to default CMYK profile Note: must be resolvable from filesystem of the Image Server machine.
full path to default Lab profile Note: must be resolvable from filesystem of the Image Server machine.
full path to the proce profile. Overrides the embedded profile and sets proofProfPath as the source profile in Remote Director. Note: must be resolvable from filesystem of the Image Server machine.
How to handle embedded profiles: one of "UseEmbedded", "ApplyProofProfile"
resolution of RIP rendering
if PDF is multipage, first page number to RIP
if PDF is multipage, last page number to RIP, maximum 999
text description of the file
number between 1.0 and 10.0 that represents lossy compression quality of JPEG2000 image. 4.0 is a reasonable level, 10.0 is lossless (but generates very large files).
one of "Perceptual", "AbsoluteColorimetric", "RelativeColorimetric"
If true, enable antialiasing in the RIP. If false, do not antialias.
if true, do not convert spot channels to CMYK. If false, and the PDF contains spot channels, then all spot channels are flattened to their equivalent CMYK Process colors.
Password of the user adding the file to the proof.
If true, then Remote Director extracts simulated spot color values from the PDF file. If false, then Remote Director searches for installed Pantone Library. If no Library is present, then colors are not automatically rendered and a user must manually define the color.
Sets the version number of the file.
authentication ticket provided by an earlier authentication request
returns ProofImageID of image that was just added to the Proof

Setting  proofProfPath  to an empty string and  profileHandling  to "UseEmbedded" and RIP will automatically extract the embedded profile from the file. If no embedded profile is present, then the appropriate default profile will be used.