Run/stop the server

Make sure no censhare server processes are running on your machine. To stop running server execute:

cd censhare-Product/censhare-Server

Start the server using the following command in combination with the selected server name:

  • For Mac and Linux:

cd censhare-Product/censhare-Server

  • For Windows:

cd censhare-Product\censhare-Server
bin\StartServer.bat SERVER_NAME

Wait until all services on the newly created server are compiled and running. In case some services fail to start up, the server will fail the start up with an error similar to “Error connecting”. To see the progress of compile & startup process

The server logs can be read with the command less (Mac and Linux):

less censhare-Product/censhare-Server/work/logs/server-0.0.log

Press SHIFT + f to follow logs
Press CTRL + c and then q to exit less

On Windows, no tail command is natively available. Many 3rd party applications can provide a similar functionality. To name a few:

  • Notepad++: Open File > server.0.0.log > View (Context Menu) > Monitoring (tail -f)

Access censhare Web

Use the following URL to access censhare Web on your browser.