This article lists the required third-party libraries to build the censhare Server.



The AngularJS library was upgraded from version 1.8.0 to 1.8.2.

The jQuery library was upgraded from version 3.4.1 to 3.6.0.

(warning) To upgrade to 3.5.0 you must deal with some breaking changes. These relate primarily to the handling of self-closing HTML tags in HTML mode. For more information, see the jQuery Core 3.5 Upgrade Guide.


The Apache Axis library was removed. The relevant part of this library is now implemented as native source in censhare.

The jaxrpc.jar library was removed. The classes of this library are now part of the JDK and no longer necessary.

Open Source Software

SoftwareVersionLicenseLinkLink to LicenseCommentLibs
antlr-runtime3.5.2BSD License

AOP AlliancealphaPublic domain
Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) for Javaaopalliance.jar
Apache ANT1.9.4Apache V2.0http://ant.apache.org tool
Apache Commonsvarious versionsApache V2.0http://commons.apache.org
Apache Commons Logging1.2Apache V2.0
Apache CXF3.3.7Apache V2.0http://cxf.apache.org and JAX-RS (REST)cxf-*.jar
Apache Felix4.2.1 5.6.8Apache V2.0http://felix.apache.org Framework
Apache FOP2.2Apache V2.0 formatting objects, includes,,, http://offo.sourceforge.netfop-*.jar, avalon-framework*.jar, batik-all-*.jar, xmlgraphics-commons-*.jar
Apache FreeMarker2.3.26Apache V2.0
Apache FtpServer1.1.1Apache V2.0 pure Java FTP serverftpserver-core-*.jar, ftplet-api-*.jar
Apache Geronimo2.2Apache V2.0 Spec 2.2geronimo-jaxws*.jar
Apache Groovy2.4.7Apache V2.0 libraries for groovy languagegroovy-all-*.jar
Apache HttpComponents4.5.4, 4.5.3, 4.4.7, 4.4.3Apache V2.0 and httpCorehttp*.jar
Apache JAMES Mime4j0.6Apache V2.0
Apache logging services1.2.14Apache V2.0http://logging.apache.org

Apache Mina2.0.16Apache V2.0http://mina.apache.org application frameworkmina-*.jar
Apache Neethi3.0.2Apache V2.0 to use WS Policyneethi-*.jar
Apache PDFBox2.0.20Apache V2.0
pdfbox-*.jar, fontbox-*.jar
Apache POI4.0.1Apache V2.0http://poi.apache.org API for Microsoft Documentspoi-*.jar
Apache Tomcat
Apache V2.0http://tomcat.apache.org server
Apache Wss4j1.6.19Apache V2.0 Services Security for Javawss4j-*.jar
Apache Xalan-Java2.7.2Apache V2.0 parserxalan-*.jar, serializer-*.jar
Apache Xerces2.11.0Apache V2.0http://xerces.apache.org parser
Apache Xmlsec1.5.6 2.0.8Apache V2.0http://santuario.apache.org XML Security for Javaxmlsec-*.jar
AppleJavaExtensions1.6Other (Apple) jar of stub classes representing the Apple eAWT and eIO APIs for Java 6 on Mac OS X.AppleJavaExtensions-*.jar
ASM3.3.1Otherhttp://asm.ow2.org bytecode manipulationasm-*.jar
AssertJ3.16.1Apache V2.0 assertions for Javaassertj-core-*.jar
AWS SDK for Java1.11.818Apache V2.0 API for Amazon Web Servicesaws-java-sdk-*.jar
Barcode4J2.1.0Apache V2.0http://barcode4j.sourceforge.net
Bean Validation API1.0.0Apache V2.0http://beanvalidation.org

Bean Validation API2.0.1.FinalApache V2.0
Beanshell2.0b6LGPL source interpreterbsh-*.jar
Bouncy Castle16-145, 15-159Bouncy Castle APIsbcmail-*.jar, bcprov-*.jar
Bouncy Castle Crypto Provider1.60Bouncy Castle
Bouncy Castle PKIX Crypto API1.60Bouncy Castle
btf1.2dual-licensed Apache 2.0 and LGPL 3.0
cryptacular1.2Apache V2.0 Libray to Bounty Castlecryptacular-*.jar
CUP LALR parser generator11aOther parser generator for Javajava-cup-*.jar
Dependency Injection for Java1.0Apache V2.0 Dependency Injection for Javajavax-inject.jar
DJ Project1.0.2LGPL
UI experience tool
dom4j1.6.1BSD style license for working with XML, XPath and XSLT with full support for DOM, SAX and JAXP
Eclipse Project for WebSocket1.0EPL v2.0 API for WebSocket (JSR-356) defines a standard API for creating web socket applicationsjavax.websocket-api-*.jar
Eclipse SWT3.7m5Eclipse V1.0

ExifTool10.7Perl, Information extraction and writing
FastInfoset1.0Apache V2.0 of the Fast Infoset Standard for Binary XML
Flexmark0.14.0BSD generation
gentyref1.1.0Apache V2.0 reflection of generic typesgentyref-*.jar
Google Closure Compiler20110811, 20170423Apache V2.0 Closure Compiler is a tool for making JavaScript download and run faster.
Google Guava14.0Apache V2.0
Google Guava25.0Apache V2.0
Google Guice2.9, 3.0Apache V2.0*.jar, mycila-guice-*.jar
Google Web Toolkit2.4.0Apache V2.0 Framework
gson2.8.0Apache V2.0

Handy URI Templates2.1.6Apache V2.0 processor implementing RFC6570 written in Javahandy-uri-templates-*.jar
htmlcleaner2.18BSD source HTML parser written in Javahtmlcleaner-*.jar
ICU International Components for Unicode49.1Other
istack common utility code3.0.7CDDL 1.1
iText PDF2.1.7MPL/LGPL
PDF library Version 2.1.7 usediText*.jar
Jackson Annotations2.11.0Apache V2.0
Jackson Core2.11.0Apache V2.0
Jackson Databind2.11.0Apache V2.0
Jackson JAXRS Base2.9.10Apache V2.0
Jackson JAXRS JSON2.9.10Apache V2.0
Jackson JSON processor core utils1.6dual-licensed Apache 2.0 and LGPL 3.0
Jackson JSON processor2.9.5Apache V2.0
Jackson: An RFC 6902 (JSON Patch) and reverse, plus RFC 7386 (JSON Merge Patch), implementation in Java using Jackson (2.2.x)1.9LGPLv3 and ASL 2.0
Jackson Module: JAXB Annotations2.9.10Apache V2.0
MIT native executable for Windows
Java Chromium Embedded Framework3.2171.1880.114BSD-style license source file LICENSE.txt (

"Java Concurrency In Practice" Book Annotations1.0-0Public

Java Secure Channel0.1.53BSD style license implementation of SSH2
Java Servlet Specification3.1CDDL v1.1
java-image-scaling0.8.6BSD 3-clause purpose of the library is to provide better image scaling options than the Java runtime provides.
JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF)1.0.2Oracle Binary Code License Agreement for Java SE
JavaBeans(TM) Activation Framework Specification1.2.0CDDL 1.1
JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF)1.1.1CDDL 1.0 of the library
JavaMail1.5.5CDDL v1.1 mail APIjavax.mail-*.jar
JavaMail1.5.6CDDL v1.1
JavaMail1.6.2CDDL v1.1
Javassist (Java Programming Assistant)3.18.2MPL V1.1 library for editing bytecodes in Javajavassist-*.jar
JAX-WS21CDDL v1.1 Reference Implementation
JAXB2.2.6CDDL v1.1 Architecture for XML Binding 2.0jaxb-*.jar
JAXB2.3.1CDDL v1.1
JBoss JSR 250: Common Annotations for the Java(TM) Platform v or CDDL
JBoss JSR-000222: Java(TM) Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) v or CDDL
JBoss JAX-RS 2.1: The Java(TM) API for RESTful Web Services1.0.3.FinalCDDL 1.0
JBoss Logging Framework3.3.2.FinalApache 2.0
JCL over SLF4J1.7.18Apache V2.0 1.2 Implemented Over SLF4Jjcl-over-slf4j-*.jar
JDOM1.1.1Apache-style solution for accessing, manipulating, and outputting XML data from Java code
Jericho HTML Parser3.4Apache V2.0
Jettison1.3.4Apache V2.0 StAX implementation for JSONjettison-*.jar
Jetty9.4.30Apache V2.0 Jetty provides a Web server and javax.servlet container, plus support for HTTP/2, WebSocket, OSGi, JMX, JNDI, JAAS and many other integrationsjetty-*.jar, websocket-*.jar
JFlex1.4.2_03-b02BSD-style license analyzer generator for Java
JNA4.5.2Apache V2.0
Java Native Accessjna-*.jar
Joda time2.8.1 2.9.7Apache V2.0 types for Date and Timejoda-time-*.jar
JODConverter2.2.2LGPL API, will be replaced by OpenOffice API "UNO" (*.jar
Jra1.0-alpha-4Apache V2.0http://jra.codehaus.org Rest Annotationsjra-*.jar
Jsass5.7.3MIT to CSS compilationjsass-*.jar
JSON in Java20171018MIT to parse JSON data into a Java object modeljson-20171018.jar
JSON Schema Validator1.7.0Apache V2.0 Schema validator for java, based on the org.json API, implementing JSON Schema Draft v4, Draft v6 and Draft v7 specificationsorg.everit.json.schema-*.jar
JSONassert1.5.0Apache V2.0 to write test assertions based on JSON object/string comparisonsjsonassert-*.jar
JUnidecode0.1.1Apache V2.0 Unicode to ASCII Java Libraryjunidecode-*.jar
JUnit Toolbox2.2Apache V2.0 some useful classes for writing automated tests with JUnitjunit-toolbox-*.jar
JUnit4.11, 4.12Eclipse V1.0
Test frameworkjunit-*.jar
Keycloak Admin REST Client9.0.3Apache 2.0
Keycloak common library and dependencies shared with server and all adapters9.0.3Apache 2.0
Keycloak Core9.0.3Apache 2.0
BSD Cassowary Linear Constraint Solver Algorithmkiwi-cassowary-*.jar
less4j1.17.2Apache V2.0 less compilerless4j-*.jar
libsass3.5.2MIT compilation, included in jsass.
libthrift0.13.0Apache V2.0 for scalable cross-language services developmentlibthrift-*.jar
logback1.2.3Eclipse V1.0http://logback.qos.ch library for Javalogback-*.jar
LunrJS0.7.2MIT engine for the Developer Documentation
mapdb1.0.9Apache V2.0 provides concurrent Maps, Sets and Queues backed by disk storage or off-heap memory.mapdb-*.jar
metrics-core3.2.1Apache V2.0 provides a powerful toolkit of ways to measure the behavior of critical components in your production environment.metrics-core-*.jar
Milton WebDAV1.5.6Apache V2.0http://milton.io Webdav only, no longer in use
mockito1.9.5, 1.10.19MIThttp://www.mockito.org objects library for javamockito-*.jar
Msg Simple1.1LGPL3 or greater and Apache V2.0
msv2011.1BSD Validatormsv-core-*.jar V2.0,
Okapi Framework Lib1.39Apache V2.0 and localization frameworkokapi-lib-0.38.jar
Okapi Rainbow Lib1.39Apache V2.0 and localization frameworkokapi-rainbow-0.38.jar
Okapi XLIFF Lib1.1.11Apache V2.0 and localization frameworkokapi-lib-xliff2-1.1.10.jar
Open Source implementation of the Fast Infoset Standard for Binary XML ( 2.0 1.2.15 is the last release by old rules. Starting 1.2.16 this project is part of EE4J initiative
OpenOffice UDK
Apache V2.0 UDK and Java Unojuh-*.jar, jurt-*.jar, ridl-*.jar, unoil-*.jar
opensaml3.3.0Apache V2.0
Oracle JDBC driver11. Database 11 JDBC Driverojdbc6-*.jar
pngtastic1.2MIT pure Java PNG image optimization and manipulation library
PostgreSQL JDBC driver9.4.1212BSD-2 Clause JDBC 4.2 (JRE 8+) driver for PostgreSQL databasepostgresql-*.jar
PowerMock1.5.6Apache V2.0 is a Java framework that allows you to unit test code normally regarded as untestablepowermock-mockito-*.jar
Prism.js1.9.0MIT is a lightweight, robust, elegant syntax highlighting library
Project Lombok1.16.18MIT java library that automatically plugs into your editor and build tools, spicing up your javalombok.jar
protobuf-java2.6.1New BSD license

Quaqua Look and Feel8.0Modified BSD X Look and Feel
Reactive Streams. Standard for asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking backpressure.1.0.2Public
RESTEasy is a productivity frameworks for developing client and server RESTful applications and services in Java4.5.5Apache 2.0
Rhino1.7R3MPL V1.1 1.7R3, will update to 1.7.6js-rhino-*.jar
SAAJ API1.3.0CDDL v1.1 APIs for XML Messaging: SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ API)saaj-api-*.jar
Saxon-HE9MPL V2.0http://saxon.sourceforge.nethttp://saxon.sourceforge.netXML Parsersaxon9he.jar
scribejava6.9.0MIT Library for Java
SLF4J1.7.18, 1.7.25MIThttp://www.slf4j.org Logging Facade for Javaslf4j-*.jar, log4j-over-slf4j-*.jar
soot2.3.0LGPL framework for analyzing and transforming Java Applications
StAX API JSR-173 Extensions1.8CDDL 1.1
Stax23.1.1BSD to basic Stax 1.0 APIstax2-api-*.jar
TypeScript2.1.6Apache V2.0 compiler for censhare 5 web code
TXW is a library that allows you to write XML documents.2.3.1CDDL+GPL License
UmlGraph Doclet4.6BSD

undertow2.0.28.FinalApache V2.0 performant web server written in java, providing both blocking and non-blocking APIs based on NIO.undertow-core-2.0.28.Final.jar
Velocity2.1Apache V2.0 engine, used for SAML logout formvelocity-engine-core-2.1.jar
WAFFLE JNA1.9.0Eclipse V1.0 JNA implementationwaffle-jna-*.jar
Woodstox5.0.3Apache V2.0 processor that implements Stax (JSR-173) and SAX2 APIswoodstox-core-asl-*.jar
WSDL4J1.6.3CPL-1.0 stub generator for WSDLwsdl4j-*.jar
XML-commons1.3.04Apache V2.0 packaging for the various externally-defined standards relating to XML - things like the DOM, SAX, and JAXP interfaces.xml-apis-*.jar
XmlSchema2.0.3Apache V2.0 Java object model to manipulate and generate XML schema representations, e.g. from an xsd filexmlschema-core-*.jar
XMLUnit1.6BSD is a library that supports testing XML outputxmlunit-*.jar
xnio-api3.3.8.FinalCreative Commons 1.0 low-level I/O layer which can be used anywhere you are using NIO today.xnio-api-3.3.8.Final.jar
xnio-nio3.3.8.FinalCreative Commons 1.0 low-level I/O layer which can be used anywhere you are using NIO today.xnio-nio-3.3.8.Final.jar
YUI Compressor2.4.7BSD compressor which, in addition to removing comments and white-spaces, obfuscates local variables using the smallest possible variable name
Zxing1.7Apache V2.0

Open Source Software censhare Web

SoftwareCurrent VersionLatest VersionLicenseLinkLink to LicenseComment
Ace code editor1.
Angular hotkeys1.
Angular translate2.
Angular ui-mask1.
D3.js3. JavaScript visualization library for HTML and SVG.
Dart Sass1. pure JavaScript implementation of Sass
FabricJS2. Image Editor
Gridster0. drag-and-drop multi-column jQuery grid plugin
jQuery3. (MIT) library for DOM operations
(warning) See the jQuery Core 3.5 Upgrade Guide. for breaking changes and how to deal with them.
jQuery mousewheel3. (MIT) jQuery plugin that adds cross-browser mouse wheel support.
leaflet1. 2-Clausehttps://leafletjs.com library for mobile-friendly interactive maps
malihu scroller3. customizable custom scrollbar jQuery plugin
Moment.js2., validate, manipulate, and display dates
Moment Timezone0. and display moments in any timezone.
Mousetrap1. V2.0 library for handling keyboard shortcuts. Needed for Angular hotkeys
Node Sass4. bindings to libsass
NVD31. V2.0 reusable charting library written in d3.js
oclazyload1. modules on demand (lazy load) with AngularJS
pako1. port to JavaScript, used for WebSocket data compression
PDF.js1.10.1002.1.245Apache V2.0 build of Mozilla's PDF.js library.
Platform1. platform detection library that works on nearly all JavaScript platforms
PlotlyJS1. visualizations on asset pages
Resumable.js1. JavaScript library for providing multiple simultaneous, stable, fault-tolerant and resumable/restartable uploads via the HTML5 File API.
Reactive Extensions for modern JavaScript
System.js0. ES module loader
Toastr2. library for Gnome / Growl type non-blocking notifications
tslib1. V2.0 library for TypeScript helper functions
ui-select0. version of Select2 and Selectize
UnicodeJS0. library for working with the Unicode standard
zone.js0. for JavaScript. Used by Angular

Additional Software (not distributed)

Licensed Software

SoftwareVersionLicenseLinkSeparate License AgreementComment
ag-GridN/Acommercial for all frontend developers of censhare software customers when creating new functionality to the censhare system in the sense of own developmentsLicense Agreement to be concluded separately with ag-grid and based on special license fee rates. This includes enterprise support for developers. To obtain support, go to The required license key can be obtained from Olaf Beyer.
Callback File SystemN/Acommercial required
FlowplayerN/Acommercial requiredMZ
OutlDDN/Acommercial required
SyntheticaN/Acommercial requiredDark look&feel for the censhare-Client
WIRIS EditorN/Acommercial requiredMZ

Last Updated: 17 November 2020