Kafka Producer

Sends a message to a Kafka topic.


The Kafka producer can send messages in the msg.payload to a defined Kafka topic and partition. The msg.payload is created from data that is passed to this node from one or multiple Inject nodes.


Nameany stringEnter a self-explaining name of the node. If you leave this field empty, the generic name displays in the dashboard.
TypeProducerThe value is pre-selected. Do not change!
Brokera Kafka broker id (string)The Kafka brokers are configured for all flows. The Kafka brokers can be selected in the node properties, to set the respective id.
Topictopic name (string)Enter the name of the topic to subscribe. You can configure multiple topics in one node.
Require Ack0|1

If 0, the producer does not wait for acknowledgement from the leader to consider a message as sent.

If 1, the producer waits for acknowledgement from the leader to consider a message as sent.

Ack Timeout (Ms)any integer valueDefaults to 100. The time that the producer waits for acknowledgement from the leader. This value is only effective if Require ack = 1.
Partitionerdefault|random|cyclic|keyed|customDefaults to default. The partitioner determines how messages are distributed between partitions of a topic.
Keypartition keySets a partition implicitly. Defines a key that is assigned to messages. Kafka publishes all messages with the same key to the same partition.
Partitionany integer valueSets a partition explicitly. Kafka publishes messages to the respective partition.
AttributesNo compression|Compress using GZip|Compress using snappyDefaults to No compression. Select a compression method for messages if desired.
Convert message to JSONtrue|falseIf true, the Kafka message is converted into a JSON object. If false, the Kafka message is passed as is.
Topic replace / with .true|falseReplaces a slash (/) with a dot (.) in the topic name. Depending on the Kafka configuration, dot characters may not be allowed in topic names.


Integration with Kafka