Kafka organizes messages in topics.

In the Hybrid Mode, there are the following Kafka topics:

  • censhare-events-topic: The Event Sync Service of the censhare Server forwards asset events. Subscribers of this topic can react on those asset events.
  • asset-repository-topic: The Asset Sync Service of the censhare Server forwards asset update events. Subscribers of this topic can react on asset changes. This includes creation, updates and deletion of assets and asset relations.
  • am-command-status: The asset management service publishes to this topic if an asset management operation has been successful or not. Via this topic, consumers are notified about the result of their requested operation.
  • permission-service-topic: This is a private topic. It is only intended for the communication between the permission service and its clients. It informs the clients when permission data are invalidated. This allows the clients to update their local cache.
  • Hotfolder: Hotfolders allow to receive a Kafka message when a new file is uploaded. For each hotfolder there is a separate Kafka topic that is created with the hotfolder configuration.