
A DevKit or Software Development Kit is part of a development ecosystem. It provides a kit of software development tools, libraries, code examples, documentation, test or runtime environment. This allows developers to easily create, build, and test their applications on a specific platform or for specific software.

censhare DevKit provides a pre-built frontend development environment based on the Angular CLI project. It supports developers to build, customize, and extend the web frontend of cenTaur. The project has been enhanced to fit censhare requirements. It enables developers of the censhare platform to create via an easy-to-use command-line interface (CLI):

  • boilerplates for pages, tabs, and components
  • own library extensions

The frontend can then be easily deployed on the cenTaur platform.

The censhare DevKit provides:

  • censhare workspace - Angular CLI project, enhanced to fit censhare requirements
  • censhare Angular CLI extensions regarding Angular schematics, builders, scripts, etc.
  • GraphQL Playground - graphical, interactive, GraphQL integrated developer environment (IDE) that helps improve development workflows.

  • GraphQL Voyager - represents any GraphQL API as an interactive graph. Visualizes the data model.


Software Development Kit




Angular CLI