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Build and find the censhare Database Schema and Java Documentation

A user needs ssh access to the "corpus" user to be able to build the censhare documentation.

DB schema documentation is build with the following command:

[corpus@server ~]$ cd ~/css && bin/ db-schema.doc

Afterwards it can be found in ~/css/database/doc/index.html

[corpus@server ~]$ ls -l ~/css/database/doc/
insgesamt 1344
-rw-rw-r-- 1 corpus corpus   11185 18. Jan 16:28 db-schema2.html
-rw-rw-r-- 1 corpus corpus 1358603 18. Jan 16:28 db-schema.html
-rw-r--r-- 1 corpus corpus     585 21. Dez 13:55 index.html

Java documentation is build with the following command:

[corpus@server ~]$ cd ~/css && bin/ clean init doc

Afterwards it can be found in:


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