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censhare-Clients: Change Memory Allocation


If you want to change the default memory allocation of the censhare-Client, please read below.


  • also valid for censhareAdmin and censhareRenderer

  • setup identically at censhareClient v2, v3 and v4

  • For Java 11 clients do not try to define this in [JVMOptionsUser] as this will not be recognized


Right click on the application file named censhareClient(.app) and choose Show Package Contents (german: Paketinhalt zeigen).

Change to directory "Contents".

Open the file named Info.plist in a text editor (f.e. TextWrangler).

Go to the following line and change the "-Xmx" property:

 <string>-Xms256m -Xmx1024m -ea:com.censhare...</string>

The property –Xmx stands for the maximum memory, which the client can allocate.
After a client restart the change will be active.

Mac OSX Java11

See steps above but open the file in .app/Contents/Java/censhare Client.cfg

Here go to:



Open the file "censhare Client.lap", which you can find at the same directory layer as the application file "censhare Client.exe".

Go to the following line and change the "-Xmx" property

--- snip ---
--- snap --- 

The property –Xmx stands for the maximum memory, which the client can allocate.
After a client restart the change will be active.

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