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FAQ - About the Asset Query Panel in the Layout Applications

Avoiding Problems and Pitfalls

The panel is displayed in InDesign and InCopy. Both pallets belong to the censhare client and are not managed by the Adobe's applications.

Different positions and sizes of the panel are managed individually for both applications by the censhare Client.


I have accidentally closed the asset query panel. But I can find no way to activate the Layout palette of censhare from within InDesign?


You can enable and disable the asset query panel for each layout applications under the menu item "File · Interfaces" in the Client by running the relevant submenu command. Sometimes it will help to run this command if the panel does not respond for some reason or is not visible and therefore simply disable it and immediately reactivate it again. 


Why can I not dock the censhare asset query panel as it is possible with other InDesign panels?


The panel is actually a part of the censhare Client and is rendered as a global floating window above all other windows. This means, even though InDesign is in the foreground, the panel will be shown in the foreground as part of censhare and gives the user only the impression that it belongs to InDesign.


The usual keyboard shortcut of censhare will not work with this layout panel. What am I doing wrong?


Even if you click on the panel, the active foreground application stays InDesign / InCopy. So if you now try to execute a censhare shortcut, it is interpreted by InDesign, since this application has the focus. Therefore, some shortcuts do not seem to respond, while others in combination with cmd-W / strg-W close the window, but the asset stays open in the asset query. To save quickly and without a dialog, you can still hold the Option key [alt] and press the disk icon.


I want to open an InCopy asset inline from the InDesign asset query, but sometimes it only opens in InCopy. What is the reason for this?


Once a text asset is placed more than once in the same or in different layouts, it cannot be edited anymore from within the opened layout.


When I create a new group, sometimes the content transformation is not available immediately in the dialog. Why is that?


The content transformation will be displayed immediately if the group consists only of text boxes. If there are also graphic boxes in the group, it is not yet possible. Furthermore, a new client is required. Therefore this only works with 4.6.15 and 4.7.8or above.


When I open a layout from my local hard disk and then want to create a new asset from this layout via the plus icon in the asset query, the asset creation dialog is not active immediately and I still have to click with the mouse in the name field. The Client behaves differently and the cursor is already placed in the "Name" field.


For technical reasons censhare currently behaves as described by you, but we are working to fix this in a future version of the Client.

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