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How to Check Whether the Storage-Deletion Job Has Finished Successfully

Short description of the following content

One part of our 3 steps deletion process is the "Delete Files". This command deletes the files on the file systems.
This is a guide how to check whether the storage-deletion job has finished successfully.

Important hints

This Article is only valid for AssetDeletion2.

The command configuration for storage-deletion can be found in: 'censhare-Admin/Configuration/Modules/Asset Deletion/Delete Files (automatic)'.
The storage-deletion command by default is running daily at 5 a.m.:
<cron pattern="0 5 * * *"/>

Step by Step guide

This check can only be done in the censhare server log.
Logon to the censhare Server via terminal.
Switch to the corpus user.
Change into the directory '~/work/logs'.
Now you can search the server logs for the "completed all" message of the storage deletion command:

grep ' completed all' server-0.*

The result of the grep-command should looks like that:

server-0.3.log:2011.11.21-14:34:12.151 INFO   : T008: CommandExecutor: tr.20111121.143412.150[system]: asset_deletion.storag-deletion completed all in 0ms
server-0.103.log:2011.10.26-05:35:27.842 INFO   : T010: CommandExecutor: tr.20111026.053526.642[system]: completed all in 3ms
server-0.103.log:2011.10.25-22:05:04.811 INFO   : T006: CommandExecutor: tr.20111025.053024.934[system]: completed all in 302907ms

The first entry shows a restart of the command during a refresh configuration (with censhare Admin Client).
The second entry shows the start of the command during the server startup.
The third one is the successful scheduled run. You can identify the scheduled run by the duration time.
This third entry shows that the run has finished successfully.

Check files in the database

Please note that this part needs database access and knowledge how to make SQL queries.
This SQL statement shows you the sum of files which will be deleted with the next run:

select count(*) from storage_deletion_queue;

Note: There can be also a lot of entries in the storage_deletion_queue, were the corresponding storage_item cannot be deleted, because it is used by another asset. E.g. if you duplicate an asset with a master storage_item, the original will be used until you create really new content. If the duplicates storage_item still points on the original and the duplicate should be deleted, but the original master asset is not deleted, the storage_item cannot be deleted (still in use storage_item).

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