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How to find the user's Person, Workspace, and Preferences assets

Using the web client

Each user can find their own Person, Workspace, and Preferences asset via the web client following these steps:

  1. On the upper-right corner, click on the user's display name to show the menu.

  2. Click on "Show profile".

  3. Once the user profile shows up, go to the right and open the options menu from the three dots.

  4. Click on "Show relations"

  5. The Workspace and the Preferences assets will be listed under the "Assignments" relations.

Using the Admin client

Administrators can use the Admin client to search for an user's ID and then find the corresponding Workspace and Preferences assets:

  1. In the Admin client go to Master Data > Users, then search for and open the required user.

  2. Take note of the "Asset id" field. Copy the value from that field.

  3. Go to the Web or Java client, and search for the asset ID from the Admin client.

  4. The corresponding person asset will show up. Search for the child relations to this asset, the Workspace and Preferences assets will be listed under the "Assigments" relations.

Important hints

The user's profile asset ID can also be used by Administrators to find that user's Workspace and Preferences assets because it is the same ID that shows up in the Admin client.

These files are different from the Java Client preference files, which are stored locally on each client machine. For details about these files please see the related and additional articles.

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