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How do I get access to the partner product documentation

The partner product documentation has been moved from to For more information, see Important information.


You can find the censhare product documentation for partner here:

You must register yourself to get access to the partner docu website!

The censhare product documentation for partner is only available for partner and selected customers. As a customer, contact your account manager for more information.

Registration steps for partner

  1. Go to

  2. Click the person icon right at the top bar.

  3. Select "Login".

  4. On the "Sign in" screen, click "Sign up".

  5. Enter your personal data and confirm with "Sign up".

  6. A registration email is sent at the configured email address.

  7. Open the email and click the link for the email address verification.

  8. If everything works fine, you see the message: "Your email address has been verified."

  9. Go to and sign in for the first time. Note: Without this step, you registration connot be completed!

  10. After that, it can take up to 24 hours until your registration is completed.

Registration steps for customers

  1. Go to

  2. Click the person icon right at the top bar.

  3. Select "Login".

  4. On the "Sign in" screen, click "Sign up".

  5. Enter your personal data and confirm with "Sign up".

  6. A registration email is sent at the configured email address.

  7. Open the email and click the link for the email address verification.

  8. If everything works fine, you see the message: "Your email address has been verified."

  9. Go to and sign in for the first time. Note: Without this step, you registration connot be completed!

  10. After that, it can take up to 24 hours until your registration is completed.

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