How to start analyzing a performance problem
What to do when performance issues occur.
Step-by-step guide
Distinguishing and excluding...
Customizing problems
Configuration problems
(Core-) bugs in the standard product
Trace bugs up to reproducing them as often as desired
Note: if the error does not occur on the test system, it could be that...
you have not found the correct steps
different data was used than on the production system
different configuration was used
a different censhare client / server version was used
Reduction to "minimal cases"
Then check whether this case still occurs when checked against a higher censhare version.If so, send minimal analysis data
Minimal necessary steps, as well as minimal necessary data to reproduce as often as required
Reconfigure on a standard system without customizing or special configuration
Check/report if behavior is reproducible in the last available bugfix and minor/major version
Deliver correct analysis data
Asset export (anonymized if necessary)
Client and server log files
Period of the problem
Environment Info
Necessary steps to reproduce (any number of times)
Reduce complexity and isolate problem:
Can you understand the behavior and know what is meant by it or describe it in your own words?
Does the behavior only occur since something was changed?
Does the behavior only occur at a certain time of day?
Does the behavior only occur when performing certain actions?
Does the behavior occur when disabling/reducing/moving these specific actions?
Does the behavior occur only when using certain input data?
Does the behavior occur when minimizing this specific input data?
Does the behavior only occur with a specific set of users?
Does the behavior occur when reducing/relocating this user group?
Does the behavior occur when testing it "without censhare"? (e.g. only in InDesign)
Does the behavior occur when rebuilding from the InDesign document (to rule out an Adobe conversion as the cause)?
Option 1: IDML export (structure is cleaned up, not the XML content/quantity)
Option 2: Copy&Paste (from an existing document into a newly created document)
Does the behavior occur reproducibly if the triggering data/actions/configuration (without LoadBalancer) is limited to one application server?
Does the behavior also occur on another system with identical configuration/customizing in the same product version?
Does the behavior also occur on another system with standard configuration and without customizing in the same product version?
Does the behavior also occur on another system with identical configuration/customizing in last product version?
Is the behavior triggered "from outside", from too few CPUs (insufficient sizing) outside the JVM?
Is the behavior "externally" triggered by too little memory (insufficient sizing) outside the JVM?
Is the behavior "externally" triggered by too little storage i/O performance (insufficient sizing) outside the JVM?
Is the "external" behavior triggered outside the JVM by insufficient interface performance (long 3rd system response time)?
Is the behavior "from outside", triggered by too little DBMS performance (insufficient sizing) outside the JVM?
Is the behavior triggered "from inside", from too hungry database performance operations (SQL instead of CDB) inside the JVM?
Is the behavior triggered "from inside", by a CPU hungry thread inside the JVM?
Is the behavior triggered "from within", by a memory hungry thread within the JVM?