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How To - Starting Stopping censhare

Here you can find information's about start / stop scripts

- What are the differences between rc scripts, s2s and SMF (Solaris - Service Management Facility)
- Which command options are possible
- Where are the config files located
- start / stop services manually - database (Oracle)- as root user
- start / stop services manually - listener (Oracle) - as root user
- start / stop services manually - listener (Oracle) - as oracle user
- start / stop services manually - database (PostgreSQL)- as root user
- start / stop services manually - censhare - as root user
- start / stop services manually - censhare - as censhare user
- start / stop services manually - jetty - as root user
- start / stop services manually - jetty - as censhare user

General explanation about the command functions

We've three ways to start or stop censhare rc scripts, s2s and SMF
On rc every service need a own script.
s2s knows the configuration, which service have to run on each servers. With s2s you can also move services from one to a other server (failover).

start / stop scripts - default - without s2s


start / stop scripts with s2s (mostly used)


Solaris SMF (svcadm/svcs)

check service state: svcs censhare*
disable/stop censhare-server: svcadm disable /censhare/server
disable/stop css_jetty: svcadm disable /censhare/css_jetty
enable/start censhare: svcadm enable /censhare/server
enable/start css_jetty: svcadm enable /censhare/css_jetty
restart censhare: svcadm restart /censhare/server


rccss {start | stop | status | restart}
check etc. censhare relevant services (no s2s)


s2s {start | stop | status | restart}
check etc. censhare relevant services (s2s)

Further Script
information about installation

Config Files

start / stop services manually - database (Oracle) - as root user

without s2s

rcora_censhare {start | stop | restart | status}

with s2s

s2s {start | stop | restart | status} ora_censhare

start / stop services manually - listener (Oracle) - as root user

without s2s

rcora_lsnr {start | stop | restart | status}

with s2s

s2s {start | stop | restart | status} ora_lsnr

Note: You can start any service first but mostly we can start database first and then listener. And during the stop service, first we stop the listener and then database

start / stop services manually - listener (Oracle) & OS (Solaris) - as root user

stop listener manually
svcadm disable censhare/ora_lsnr
start listener manually
svcadm enable censhare/ora_lsnr

Note: You can start any service first but mostly we can start database first and then listener. And during the stop service, first we stop the listener and then database

start / stop services manually - database (Oracle) & OS (Solaris) - as root user

stop Oracle manually
svcadm disable censhare/ora_censhare
start Oracle manually
svcadm enable censhare/ora_censhare

Note: You can start any service first but mostly we can start database first and then listener. And during the stop service, first we stop the listener and then database.

1. In case of Solaris in our SaaS, you can also run "svcadm" commands for oracle services as user oracle.
2. In case you do it manually on oracle user, you should be aware if the services are running under Solaris SMF (svcadm command) and in that case you should only use the "svcadm" command.

start / stop services manually - listener (Oracle) - as oracle user

start listener manually
lsnrctl start

stop listener manually

lsnrctl stop

show status listener manually (good output for diagnosis)

lsnrctl status

Note: You can start any service first but mostly we can start database first and then listener. And during the stop service, first we stop the listener and then database.

start / stop services manually - database (Oracle) - as oracle user

stop oracle database by connecting to "sqlplus" by Oracle user (su - oracle).
details are given below how?

sqlplus /  as sysdba

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Nov 10 06:03:20 2020
Copyright (c) 1982, 2014, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
Connected to:
Oracle Database 12c Standard Edition Release - 64bit Production

SQL> shutdown immediate;
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.

start oracle database by connecting to "sqlplus" from Oracle user, if it is shutdown and connected to "idle instance".
details are given below how?

sqlplus /  as sysdba

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Nov 10 06:04:47 2020
Copyright (c) 1982, 2014, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
Connected to an idle instance.

SQL> startup;
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area	2466250752	 bytes
Fixed Size		    			2927384		bytes
Variable Size				671089896		bytes
Database Buffers			1778384896	bytes
Redo Buffers				13848576		bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.


To check the correct Oracle user(schema) to use for "sqlplus"

To check the correct Oracle user/password to use it for "sqlplus" to connect with the Oracle database. Oracle user & password as defined on the censhare service database configuration file on censhare application server. It is recommended to check the config.xml so that we can be 100%  sure that we are connecting to the correct Oracle user/password by "sqlplus" and connected to the actual user/schema.

Also, you can find Oracle sqlplus "corpus" user(schema) password from the "TPM".

For example go to the an application server and check below configuration file in the below location for example and cat config.xml

ssh <application_server_name>  -l corpus

X11 forwarding request failed on channel 0
Last login: Thu Feb 11 09:52:09 2021
-bash: warning: setlocale: LC_CTYPE: cannot change locale (UTF-8): No such file or directory

cd cscs/app/services/database/

cat config.xml

You will find below line in this config.xml file:  
<connection name="corpus" connection-url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@<db-servername>:1521:corpus" user-name="<db_username>" user-password="<username_password>"

So now, you can use below command to connect with Oracle "corpus" schema with "sqlplus" like as below from the Database server, you can use "username" & "password" from the "config.xml".

sqlplus username/password

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Thu Feb 11 11:10:52 2021
Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production


To check oracle logfile - database (Oracle) as oracle user

Switch root user  to oracle user
su - oracle OR so
Connect to "sqlplus" and check the oracle alert file location
example is given below how? You will get the oracle alert log file location by the below command:

sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Nov 10 06:34:35 2020
Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production

show parameter background;

NAME                                		 		TYPE        	VALUE
------------------------------------			----------- 	------------------------------
background_core_dump                 	string     	partial
background_dump_dest                	string		/u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/corpus/corpus/trace

Now, in the above mentioned directory, you will find "alert_corpus.log" file and "tail" it OR "cat" it OR "vi" it.
cd /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/corpus/corpus/trace/
tail -f alert_corpus.log

start / stop services manually - database (PostgreSQL) - as root user

To check how many postgres services are running


To check postgres service running status

systemctl status postgresql-10.service

start postgres manually

systemctl start postgresql-10.service

stop postgres manually

systemctl stop postgresql-10.service

restart postgres manually

systemctl restart postgresql-10.service

start / stop pg_receivewal service manually - database (PostgreSQL) - as root user

To check pg_receivewal service running status

systemctl status postgresql_receivewal.service

start pg_receivewal manually

systemctl start postgresql_receivewal.service

stop pg_receivewal manually

systemctl stop postgresql_receivewal.service

restart pg_receivewal manually

systemctl restart postgresql_receivewal.service

Connect Postgres by "postgres" OS user

Connect PostgreSQL database by "postgres" OS user. Postgres OS user, Postgres DB User & Corpus DB user password you can find out from TPM, if needed.

ssh <db-server-name> -l postgres

Connect "postgres" database by psql:


Connect "corpus" database by "corpus" user:

psql -U corpus -d corpus

Also, we have one KB doc in which we have some general commands of PostgreSQL:


To check postgresql_basebackup service manually - database (PostgreSQL) as root user

To check postgresql_basebackup service running status

systemctl status postgresql_basebackup.service

start postgresql_basebackup service manually

systemctl start postgresql_basebackup.service

stop postgresql_basebackup service manually

systemctl stop postgresql_basebackup.service

To check postgres logfile - database (PostgreSQL) as postgres user

Switch root user to postgres user

su - postgres OR sp
cd /var/lib/pgsql/10/data/log
(Note: Change the directory as 10 to 11 or 12, if PostgreSQL version is 11 or 12).
vi postgresql-Wed.log
(Note: See any log according to the day-wise as per the requirement)

start / stop services manually - censhare - as root user

start / stop censhare manually without s2s

rccenshare {start | stop | restart | status}

start / stop censhare manually s2s

s2s {start | stop | restart | status} censhare

start / stop services manually - censhare - as censhare user

censhare.rc {start | stop | restart | status}

start / stop services manually - jetty - as root user

start / stop censhare manually without s2s

rccss_jetty {start | stop | restart | status}

start / stop censhare manually s2s

s2s {start | stop | restart | status} css_jetty

start / stop services manually - jetty - as censhare user

css_jetty.rc {start | stop | restart | status}

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