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ImageMagick 7.1.1 Update

Updated ImageMagick RPMs with updated libraries

📘 Installation

The updated ImageMagick will be delivered in two RPMs. We’ve also created a dedicated build for Centos7, which also works on RockyLinux8. And another build for AlmaLinux9, which should be compatible with RHEL9. Please note that we haven’t tested the installation on other linux systems.

To distinguish between both builds the AlmaLinux build has the postfix -Alma9 in the name.

Before you can install ImageMagick you have to remove the old installation manually. You can check the installation with: yum list installed | grep censhare

To remove the old RPMs enter as root user:

rpm -e --nodeps censhare-ImageMagick censhare-freetype censhare-jasper censhare-lcms censhare-lcms2 censhare-libde265 censhare-libheif censhare-jpeg censhare-libjpeg-turbo censhare-libpng censhare-libraw censhare-libtool censhare-libwebp censhare-libwmf censhare-libxml2 censhare-tiff censhare-xz censhare-zlib censhare-libiconv

Note: it may happen that not all of these RPMs are installed, please adapt the list then.

The new ImageMagick has the following names depending on the OS:

Centos7 | RockyLinux8






Installation is done as usual from RPM repository or downloaded RPM.

On AlmaLinux9 do not install the censhare-ImageTools RPM because it has outdated dependencies. Install censhare-Common and then censhare-ImageMagick-Alma9

If not yet installed also censhare-Image-Exiftool, censhare-ghostscript and censhare-ghostscript-fonts

It may be necessary to use the --nodeps --nogpgcheck options

Please check the ImageMagick policy afterwards

Note: both ImageMagick have support for JPEG200 and Panasonic Raw images now. The AlmaLinux version additionally for JPEG XL, OpenEXR, UHDR and RSVG.

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