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Known issues in censhare 2022.2 release

Find the detailed information about the known issues in our product documentation:


Adobe InDesign plugin 2023 known issues on mac OS

The new Adobe InDesign plugin 2023 is fully functional. However, you need to be aware of its unusual behaviour on mac OS. 

Version parity between censhare Java-based clients and censhare Server

You can only connect with a censhare Java-based client (censhare Client, Admin Client, Render Client) 2022.x.x via Keycloak to the censhare Server of the same version 2022.x.x.
Older clients do not work and the following error message displays: 

UnrecognizedPropertyException: Unrecognized field "socket-timeout-millis"

Xeditor known issues

  • Removing media content in Safari browser. If you use Xeditor in Safari and want to remove a media from the content in the edit mode, this cannot be done with the backspace button.
  • Paragraphs are lost while copying and pasting from an external source. If you copy and paste text content from an external source, e.g., a website or a Word document, into Xeditor, the paragraph formatting will be lost. The entire piece will be posted as one paragraph. 

CI HUB known issue

A (sub)folder added in CI HUB may get an error when you try to open it. If you see the following message:

GET /api/v1/assets/folder failed: Error: GET
/entry/folder/undefined failed: Error: Request failed with status code 404

Flatplan known issue

When working with flatplans for print & publication planning, you may encounter the following problem.
When you add a multipage PDF in the flatplan editor, the size of the pages will be shown bigger as they are and as exceeding the size of the issue pages.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.