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NAGIOS Monitoring - Layout Service WARNING

Find what the customers operations team can check in case of a NAGIOS - Layout Service WARNING/CRITICAL monitoring ticket.

Important hint regarding support and operation of censhare Renderer and InDesign server.

In the case of on-premise systems, censhare is not responsible for the operation of customers InDesign Servers and censhare Renderer clients.

InDesign Server operations:

The InDesign Server license is mostly delivered by censhare, because this application is distributed via Adobe implementation partners only. With the software license we are responsible to deliver hotfixes (Rapid Releases) to the customers when Adobe make them available. And the customer gets the possibility to report software issues to us. We will try to solve them and can contact Adobe support for that. But it does not cover installation, updating, licensing, operation and providing guides as well as installing necessary fonts, color profiles and PDF joboptions.

These are purely operational and administrative topics for which Adobe provides a wealth of information on its websites.

censhare Renderer operations:

The customer is responsible for the operation of the censhare renderer client software. This includes installation, updating, starting and stopping the application as well as installing necessary fonts, color profiles and PDF joboptions.

What has the customers operations team to check when it gets such a Nagios monitoring email

  1. Check if the priority is WARNING or CRITICAL and act immediately in case of CRITICAL.

  2. Find the affected server in the message and note the amount of instances reported in it.

  3. Have a look for the cause of the monitoring message. It is such a string:
    "LAYOUTSERVICE WARNING - 1 of 2 renderer instance(s) available".

What does it mean and which actions are needed

The monitoring check expects 2 layout service instances at the censhare server but only 1 instance is available.

To analyze that, you need to know how the censhareRenderer Clients and InDesign server instances are setup in you environment.

Possible scenario 1: There is 1 censhareRenderer Client connected and on that 2 InDesign server instances are setup.

-> In that scenario, one of the InDesign server instances is not started at the censhareRenderer Client.

Possible scenario 2: There are 2 censhareRenderer Clients connected and on each is 1 InDesign server instance setup.

-> In that scenario, one of the censhareRenderer Clients is not connected to the server or the InDesign server instance on one censhareRenderer is not started.

If that information does not help to solve the issue, please create a ticket at the censhare support system and assign the Nagios email message to it.

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