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Retries on Error in Serverlog

If a command has setup retries on error, it was not visible in the server log when the retry was performed.
Therefore we have developed an optimization to be able to see them in the server logs. Here we describe how this retries are reported in the server log.

The expanded log messages are available since 4.10.18, 5.1.10, 5.2.8, 5.3.8, 5.4.

Log output

Logging example when a job failed. Then the event gets the state 'error':

2015.12.22-14:57:18.840 INFO : T022: AARenderPDF.finish: EventService: jh.20151222.145706.640[system]: updating [, id=1450792626508, ccn=206, p0=31603, p1=22, p2=0, p3=3, p4=2, p5=3, p6=1] for renderer.aa-render-pdf-20151222-1043-0 from EXECUTING to ERROR 

Additionally the value for retries in the event task table gets the value which is configured in the command. If retries of error is setup to 3, the value is 3 now.

After an unsuccessful try, the EventServiceWatchdog logs the retries left into the server log until retries > 0:

2015.12.22-14:58:49.957 INFO : S003: EventService: EventServiceWatchdog: retry event task [, id=1450792626508, p0=31603, p1=22, p2=0, p3=3, p4=2, p5=3, p6=1] for command renderer.aa-render-pdf-20151222-1043-0 (2 retries left) 

The event retries are posted by the next run of the EventServiceWatchdog.

In a multiple server environment, the first running EventServiceWatchdog will post the event retries.
Therefore, this corresponding "retries left" messages can occur in any servers log in a multiple server environment.

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