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SLA - Which services are covered by the 2nd level support fee

The SLA is for our application and ensures our support to get a production system back to it’s agreed state, when it’s no longer working or not working as expected.


A censhare customer has to sign a 2nd Level Service Level Agreement (SLA) for his censhare system and has to pay a monthly fee for it. This is a provisioning fee and is for guaranteed availability, reaction time, bug fixing and patching. It does not include other services. They have to be payed by effort. Here we give you an overview what's covered and what not.

Project Specific Support

During project phase, our services are part of the regular project implementation and project scope and therefore not part of the SLA.
There are mainly two kinds of requests:

  1. Support which is needed to complete the implementation and to get the acceptance.

  2. Advice and assistance in non native censhare technologies such as XML, XSL or XPath as well as topics that serve to optimize the business process of the customer. This is consulting and is not covered by the SLA.

Project Specific Support

Request Type

Covered by SLA


Working on Feature Requests

Feature Request



Answering questions regarding administration and configuration in censhareAdmin client.



Topics around Modules and Services in censhareAdmin

Help with Change/Enhancement Requests



When a change is in the context of a censhare bug, the work is covered by in the SLA.

Tracker/Yammer administration tasks




Processing requests that are made by a censhare project manager during the project (implementation) phase


NO, Billable

The service is charged indirectly to the project as part of the project implementation.

Advice and assistance in 3rd party tools and non native censhare technologies such as Oracle, Adobe Products, XML, XSL or XPath as well as topics that serve to optimize the business processes of the customer.


NO, Billable

This is consulting service. If it causes effort longer than 8 hours, a dedicated project is needed to track the time. Then such work must not be tracked as support.

Incident/Problem Management

Also here we can mainly differ between two kinds of requests.
Incidents and Problems caused or related to censhare bugs. This requests are covered by the SLA.
Incidents and Problems caused or related to changes the customer made without advice or knowledge of censhare. This requests are not covered by the SLA.

Incident/Problem Management

Request Type

Covered by SLA


Working on Tickets based on censhare Bugs and work on associated dev-Tickets

Incident/ Problem


When an incident/problem is caused by a censhare bug. Nothing will be invoiced.

Installing bug fixes and patches

ServiceRequest/ Change Request


Performing configuration changes in censhareAdmin

ServiceRequest/ Change Request


When they are necessary to solve a censhare bug or vulnerability.

Functional problems: A censhare employee has made a non agreed change

ServiceRequest/ Incident



Functional problems: The customer has made/changed the contractually assumed configuration.

ServiceRequest/ Incident

NO, Billable

e.g.: non agreed changes in existing module/service configurations, activating new modules/services. When a change is in the context of a censhare bug, the work is covered by the SLA.

Problems caused by incorrect use of the software

ServiceRequest/ Incident

NO, Billable


Functional problems: The customer has changed the way of working with the software or changed the scope or business case

ServiceRequest/ Incident

NO, Billable

e.g.: new mass data imports...

Functional problems: A connected 3rd party system has changed or the submitted data to a censhare interface have changed.

Incident/ Problem

NO, Billable

General information about censhare usage

Requesting general information about usage is covered by in the SLA except when it changes to consulting service.

General information about censhare usage

Request Type

Covered by SLA


When we can refer to documentation




Individual answer, because documentation is insufficient or not available




Support based on 3'rd-party-products/Hardware

This kind of support is mainly not covered by the SLA.

Support based on 3'rd-party-products/Hardware

Request Type

Covered by SLA


Providing Oracle Updates and Patches. Installation is not covered.



When we recommend the installation, we will provide them as a partner or customer has no access to it.

Problems based/related on Oracle-Bugs and Operation


NO, Billable

e.g. issues based on storage and memory sizing

Problems based/related on Server-OS


NO, Billable

Hardware error (error on hard discs, RAID Controller, etc)


NO, Billable


Problems based/related on ImageMagick, GhostScript and Exiftool


NO, Billable




NO, Billable

e.g. error after changing client OS or java release

Bugs in JavaVirtualMachine (JVM)


NO, Billable


Problems based/related on InCopy/InDesign, 3'rd party PlugIns


NO, Billable


Problems based/related on Adobe PDF job-options


NO, Billable


Problems based/related on Fonts


NO, Billable


Performance analysis if no censhare Problem was the reason for


NO, Billable

e.g. customer backup process, network issue...

We can accept no liability for the information provided and cannot vouch for its accuracy.

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