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Slow search results with web client quick search

This article addresses performance issues experienced when using the Quick Search functionality in the web client. While searches in the Java client return results almost instantly, similar searches in the web client may experience delays.


  • Slow Performance: Quick Search in the web client takes significantly longer than in the Java client.

  • Search Delays: Multi-word searches (e.g., "censhare seasonal Collection 25 Dec 2024") return results after several minutes, while single-word searches are quicker.

  • No Results Message: Initially displays "No results" before the actual results load.


The discrepancy in search performance between the quick search in the Java client and the detailed search in the WebClient stems from the difference in their search scopes.

The quick search in the Java client specifically targets the "censhare:text.meta" field, resulting in faster search results. Conversely, when searching in the Meta field, the detailed search in the WebClient executes the same search against "censhare:text.meta." When you search in the search bar in the web client, it searches in the fields configured in the system assets - workspaces depending on the user's role.

So different fields are searched, not only censhare:text.meta. So it's normal that the search takes longer.


  1. Use Detailed Search:

Navigate to Detailed Search and enter your query in the Meta field (censhare:text.meta) for faster results. This mimics the Java client's search behavior.


  1. Open the Detailed Search in the web client.

  2. Use the Meta field (corresponding to censhare:text.meta) for entering your search query.

  3. Run the search.

    • Example: Instead of typing the entire search query into the Quick Search bar, enter "censhare seasonal Collection" into the Meta field.

  1. Copy and Paste Queries:

For long or complex search terms, copying and pasting the query into the Quick Search bar can yield better performance compared to typing.


  • Typing: When typing "National Geographic Wildlife June 2020," the system processes each word individually, creating a more complex query.

  • Copy-Pasting: Copying and pasting "National Geographic Wildlife June 2020" treats the query as a single exact-match string, simplifying the search.

  1. Use Java Client:

For time-sensitive tasks, use the Java client, which targets censhare:text.meta and provides quicker results.

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