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Solve Error kPDFExportCmdBoss in the context of PDF creation

Short description of the following content

During the PDF creation on the censhare Render-Client, all placed Assets have to be reloaded into the layout.
After that, the PDF will be created.
If the error 'kPDFExportCmdBoss' occurs during the process, you can try to find out the cause for the error with this little guide.

Important hints

We know 3 main reasons for the 'kPDFExportCmdBoss'-error:

  • a corrupt file or placement

  • no space left on censhare Render-Client computer

  • color profile is defined in pdf-joboption or used in layout or a picture within but it is missing on the censhare Render-Client computer


In censhare, you get an error message like this:

CmdPdf.cpp, line 671] Fehler #9485 bei der Ausführung des internen InDesign Befehls 'kPDFExportCmdBoss'.
11.07-14:49:38.290 com.censhare.client.javaclient.layout.PluginException: Error in communication with Adobe InDesign 6.0.7 (plugin 2.6.10): [XmlExecute.cpp, line 165] Fehler Der Export der PDF-Datei ist fehlgeschlagen..
[CmdPdf.cpp, line 671] Fehler #9485 bei der Ausführung des internen InDesign Befehls 'kPDFExportCmdBoss'


The important information in the message above is the error-code (#9485).

For partners and internal users only due to SDK restrictions:
Search for the error code in the document 'InDesign CC2015 error codes.html', asset-ID 3563686 on censhare tracker.

Customers please ask censhare customer services for details about the error code.

If the error description in the document isn't very helpfully, we recommend to do the following steps to find out the error or the problematic placement:

  • try to create a PDF on your local Computer

  • try to create the PDF on your local Computer with the same pdf-joboption

  • checkout the layout on your local computer and use the function 'Place all Assets again'

  • check for free space on the censhare Render-Client computer

  • check for a missing color profile on the censhare Render-Client computer

  • reduce the placements in the layout step by step and try to create the PDF after each step

  • It can depend on a inappropriate joboption. If you e.g. have transparencies in your layout, the joboptions PDF compatibility level must be 1.4 or higher, otherwise InDesign errors with #9485 on PDF export. Details see in

Workaround to solve, already done by our customer

Create new layout asset, copy the content from the problematic one the new one and place pictures new.

kPDFExportCmdBoss #1


In censhare, you get an error message like this:

Fehler:Folgende Assets konnten nicht bearbeitet werden: 187664 (Error in communication with Adobe InDesign 7.0.4 (plugin 2.6.6): [CmdPdf.cpp, line 598] Die InDesign Funktion 'kPDFExportCmdBoss' meldet den Fehler #1.)


The important information in the message above is the error-code (#1).
This error does not appear in 'errorcodes InDesign CS5.5.html' (ID 2250701) on the tracker.
Error #1 means an .icc colour profile is not available on the renderer or installed and not reachable for InDesign.
To figure out the missing colour profile evaluate which joboption has been used and which colour profile is defined within.

THE DESTINATION PROFILE IS USED ALWAYS - even if no graphics are placed within a layout.

Hint: .joboptions can be opened in an normal text editor.
Within the joboption search for the DestinationProfileName (example):
/ConvertColors /ConvertToCMYK
/DestinationProfileName (Coated \050ISO 12647-2:2004\051)

\050 = (
\051 = )
So if you have luck the real .icc filename of the profile maybe: "Coated (ISO 12647-2:2004).icc"
But the name may also be something completely different, as .icc profiles have an internal ASCII name - and that's the one which is used in the joboption. To see an ASCII-name of an .icc profile open it in colourSync-Utility and select the "desc" header. Here you will find the ASCII-Name.

Hint: A colour profile may also not be used, if it is installed twice and each is reachable for InDesignServer. The Adobe logic model behaves like: "If there are identical (internal) named colour profiles, do not use all of them. There must be only one." See also "Installation of color profiles, joboptions and fonts.".

kPDFExportCmdBoss #2

Recently we get

InDesign function 'kPDFExportCmdBoss' failed with error #2.

Regarding to Adobe API this 'should' mean: 0x2 (2) Unknown Adobe Prefix + 2 (0x2) User canceled this action.

But 'sometimes' this is simply not true. The error may have the same cause as kPDFExportCmdBoss #1 above and is solved in the same way.

Or it may be caused by an .eps file which has a text (not converted to path) with a missing font in it. Check the .eps within Illustrator for text with missing font.

In rare cases this may also appear for a missing font where InDesign tries to perform a replacement with another font. So if (in the layout) you see signs like: ☐☐☐☐☐ this might be a hint for a font replacement problem causing this error. Please be aware every workstation might use another font for replacement, dependend on installed fonts. So this might be analyzable only on the affected system.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.