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Status area in Admin Client - What is interesting for support?

This Documents describe the interesting parts of Status in Admin client with Support perspective

Interesting parts?

Many a times, we take the help of 'Status' in support for troubleshooting different problems. The data we get from this modules help us to find the root cause soon. Hence Interesting...
Following are the important modules and interesting facts:

  • Clients:

    This is self explanatory. We can see Who is logged in from which IP as what Role and using which client Versions.

    Sometimes the IP contains a number at the end like [1] or [2]. [2] means that there is a second connection active from the same IP.

    If there are many reconnects like this, it could be an indication for a network problem.
    Many a times, we check this to see if an external renderer or service client is connected to server.

  • Diagrams:

    Diagrams are mainly used to see and monitor the system loads. There is a wonderful article which explains how to read the diagrams

    High load in diagrams indicate load and performance issues of the system and requires further analysis.

  • Commands:

Commands view shows a list of commands which is available in Censhare.
It shows if a command is active and processing the requests.
We can see the load of commands by sorting with Queues in Descending order.
We can double click on a command and get the id, using which we will be able to see the execution details in server logs.

  • Error:

We can see all the error messages generated like Javaclient, PreviewMaker, Transformation here.
We will get the full details like user, module versions, transaction id and stacktrace from the Error module.

  • Services:

We use this module to check if a service is available or not. You will see this value under the STATE column.
You can use the play pause buttons to start or pause the service. So that means if you see a service is not available,
you can use the play button to start it.

  • Tasks:

The tasks are pooled from commands. There can be multiple tasks for a command.
You can see the status of the tasks and identify if tasks are in error state.
If all the task of a command is in error state, there is a possibility that the command has a problem
You can use the play button to restart the tasks.
The assetid is shown in paramater1

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