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Troubleshoot InDesign error # 29441

Example stacktraces:

com.censhare.client.javaclient.layout.PluginException: Error in communication with Adobe InDesign 8.0.2 (plugin 2.8.16): [CCmdImport.cpp, line 672] InDesign function 'ILinkFacade::RelinkLink' failed with error #29441.

com.censhare.client.javaclient.layout.PluginException: Error in communication with Adobe InDesign 8.0.1 (plugin 2.7.1rc4): [CCmdImport.cpp, line 323] Die InDesign Funktion 'kImportPIFromResourceCmdBoss' auf das Objekt mit uid='0x10B' meldet den Fehler #29441.

com.censhare.client.javaclient.layout.PluginException: Error in communication with Adobe InCopy 8.0.2 (plugin 2.8.7): [CCmdImport.cpp, line 196] Die InDesign Funktion 'kImportPIFromResourceCmdBoss' auf das Objekt mit uid='0x167A' meldet den Fehler #29441.

Important hints

  • Adobe API calls this an "kNoFilterFoundError"

  • The result is "Cannot place this file"

  • The cause is "No filter found for requested operation"

What is the Problem. How to Fix?

The error points to a missing Adobe Plugin within InDesign(Server) or InCopy. Check your Adobe Plugin folders to be standard and take especially care of missing Adobe Plugins. It seems the main problem focus is on the folder Plug-Ins\InCopyWorkflow\. So this folder should be checked first for completeness.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.