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Troubleshooting Stuck GLB Conversion (for the 3D Assets Enhancements Package)

If you encounter a situation where the GLB conversion is stuck (i.e., no file has been generated, and the conversion button remains disabled in the Preview widget), you can try the following steps as a workaround:

Steps to Resolve:

  • Open the Java Client
    Access the Java Client and search for the asset number of the 3D asset you want to convert.

  • Edit the Metadata
    Right-click on the asset and select Edit Metadata.

  • Locate the Features Tab
    In the Features tab, find the Process Tracking section.

  • Check the Process Status
    In the Process Status field, if the status is "In Progress," change it to another value, such as "Failed," from the dropdown.

  • Save the Changes
    Save your changes.

  • Return to the Web UI
    Go back to the Web UI.

Picture 1.png

Usually, failed jobs like this are cleaned up after some time automatically. This workaround is only necessary to perform the reset immediately.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.