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Using censhare Render Client for Windows with mixed censhare versions

VFS is implemented by a 3rd party library called CBFS on Windows.


The recent censhare Client (aka censhare Java Client) and censhare Render Client for Windows have been delivered with CBFS2017.

CBFS2017 and CBFS2022 cannot be installed concurrently. So, it has been decided which censhare client versions must be used together with which CBFS.

Starting with the following censhare versions, censhare clients are delivered with CBFS Connect 2022 and compatible with it:

  • 2024.1.0

  • 2023.1.0 and higher

CBFS Connect 2017 has been delivered with the following censhare versions and censhare clients are compatible with it:

  • 2022.2.x and older

Steps to do

On a Renderer Server, we recommend to install latest censhare Render Client, for example, 2023.1.latest or higher.

The censhare Render client can then connect to the same censhare Server version, but also to older censhare versions.

You must add the used censhare Render Client version to list of allowed censhare client versions. You find the "Client Versions" table in the Master Data section of the censhare Admin Client.


For current PDF creation or content update process, actual censhare Render Client version is not relevant.

Nevertheless, we recommend the latest version because of bugfixes and the newer CBFS versions. These CBFS versions are important for newer Windows versions.

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