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Which Part of an Error Message Is the Most Important (Cause / Caused By)?

The article describes how to find the error message from the exception stacktrace

Important hints

When the error window appears with the stack trace, please use the save button to save it to the hard disk as a text file.

This can later be attached to a ticket. It is important to save the whole error message.

In case of an error message is within the server. You should save the whole log file as well. Depending on the error there are a few log files to save, too. For example:

server-0.0.log, startup.log, stdout.log, gc.log

Which part of an error message is the most important?

The most important part of the error message is mostly the text which is after "Cause" or "Caused by".

Please see the below example for a better understanding. The part marked in red rectangle is the most important part. It means that it's not possible to update the database table party_role.

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