
cenario is the web client of cenTaur. It provides a user interface to access cenTaur through the web browser. 

cenario is built as a page-based application wich uses HTML, CSS and TypeScript. Typescript is based on JavaScript but is making this more safe and efficient to use. The base for cenario is Angular. Angular is a framework and platform to build web applications. cenario uses Angular Material, a library for design components such as controls, buttons, navigation, or layouts.

cenario integrates GraphQL to define the API to access and manipulate data in cenTaur. By doing so, GraphQL also delivers an understandable description of the data structure for this API. Using GraphQL, allows any client to request the exact data it wants to receive through the API. To send GraphQL requests to the backend of cenTaur, cenario integrates the Apollo GraphQL Client. It is used for querying, caching, loading, and storing data. 

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