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REST API call is no longer working after a version upgrade


After the censhare server was upgraded to a newer version the REST API calls redirect to a different page or show an 403 unauthorized error.


As of censhare 2021.2 censhare is released as censhare WP, including additional components that change the way web services are exposed. After an upgrade from earlier versions, or on newly installed versions, the REST API is not longer accessible.

If you attempt to use the server URL and port from before the upgrade it will now redirect to Keycloak for authentication. It is necessary to expose the http service for external access:

  1. Adjust your jetty settings to expose the server URL and the corresponding http service port.

  2. Make sure your user is set to use internal authentication instead of Keycloak.

The REST API works with standard authentication, going directly against the censhare application server. Any user set to use external authentication won't work.

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