Web error: Too many redirects
In censhare web an error appears after a successful login:
This page isn’t working
<url> redirected you too many times.
Try deleting your cookies.
The problem lies somewhere in the web components so check them in order:
Make sure to be using the latest version of the Core Cloud Gateway (CGW), Static Resource Server (SRS), and Keycloak.
Check the configuration of CGW and Keycloak realm, specially the root URL and valid redirects.
If Keycloak is pointing to an external loadbalancer or other network device or provider, make sure that the censhare server and components' URLs are whitelisted and that the redirecting to them is allowed. Alternatively, remove the external components and point Keycloak to your internal loadbalancer.
As part of the troubleshooting you can also check that all the different servers can reach other. for example, check if your censhare server can reach the Keycloak server and viceversa.